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ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe with CORSAIR TWINX2048-4000PT


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I am using the ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe with CORSAIR TWINX2048-4000PT ram and I am having stability issues. I play Battlefield 2, and almost everytime I am in the heat of battle the game instantly closes with no error message. I put the memory settings at the rated 3-4-4-8 but I am not sure about all the other settings in the BIOS. I have seen other threads about this board and tried to use those replies as a base for my settings. On another thread, you stated the voltage rating was off, so I set the CPU to 1.3v. DDR Vcore is at 2.7v. The CPU seems to be running hot at 46*C without any games running. My previous setup was on an Abit AN8-SLI Fatal1ty with the same ram and CPU, and the CPU never got above 36*C. I never had any stability issues on that board, the only problem was lack of support for the FX-60. I am wondering if this is the best ram for this setup or if there is some other problem. I did not know of the 3500LLPRO prior to purchase.
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no it is not overclocked at all, the stock 2.6. I want the system to be stable as is before I do any OCing. In another thread, it was stated that this board doesn't display the voltage correctly, so put it lower than usual. That is why I lowered it to 2.7
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I dont have a program to test the mem like you were showing but here are my BIOS settings:


Gart Error Reporting -Disabled

MTRR Mapping -Continuous

1T/2T Memory Timing -Auto

Memory Clock -250 MHZ

TCL -3.0





TRC 14



Read preamble 5.5 ns

Async Latency 6ns

Memory Clock -Auto

MCT Timing -Auto

MCT Extra Timing -Auto

TRCF 7.8us


R/W Queue Bypass Count 8

Bypass Max 4

Idle Cycle Limit 16

Dynamic Idle Cycle Center -Enable

DDR Driving Strength -Normal

Enable 32-Byte Granularity -Disable


DDR input strobe skew -Disable

User config -Auto

Bank Interleave -Auto

Burst Length -4 beats

Hardware memory hole -disable

L2 cache BG scrub -disable

DRAM ECC enable -disable

data cache BG scrub -


CPU FSB Frequency 200

SB to NB frequency 200

PCIE frequency 100

Peg Link Mode -Disable

DDR Vcore 2.70

Processor Multiplier 13x

Processor Voltage 1.3375

DDR clock skew -auto

DDR clock skew Now -normal

K8 to NB Frequency 4x

K8 to NB Linkwidth 16 16

SB to NB 4x

SB to NB Linkwidth 16 16

Primary Grafix Adapter Pcie1


I am not trying to overclock yet until I know the system is stable, I just want the best performance out of this setup. I had a problem with the BIOS today and had to reset CMOS, so the timing settings are all auto set. Hope this helps. also, I could not find the earlier thread, but I remember RamGuy saying the board did not show the correct voltages.

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One thing you need to do is switch your Mem clock and Cpu FSB. The mem clock should be @ 200 and the FSB @ 250. Set the Mem timming to 1T manually, And also adjust your settings on the ram manually. Since I have almost same setup as you I would guess you could run 3-4-3-7 @ 250 1T with 2.6V that is what I have. Adjust your processer volatage to 1.2875 the board runs hot at and change the multi to 10.5X if you donot want to overclock yet.
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I have the FX-60 chip and 13x multiplier gives the stock 2.6 mhz. I will change the DDR Vcore to 2.8 but I have also read other threads stating 2.6 has been the best voltage for OC with the least errors. As for the mem clock auto setting at 250, would that have any added performance, or is it best to stay at 200? I think the problem is solved for the random BF2 closing- I read other threads about the PEG LINK Mode setting in BIOS and how it OC's the PCIE. I am using a BFG 7800GTX which is already OC'ed to the max, so I set the PEG LINK MODE to Disabled and the problem has not happened since. For the other CPU settings; will the K8 to NB & SB to NB frequencies at 4x give the best performance? I previously had them at 5x or higher, they go up to like 8x.
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1T/2T Memory Timing -Force 1T here

Memory Clock -250 MHZ 200Mhz

TCL -3.0


TRAC 10 8



TRC 14




If you do not want to OC keep the FSB at 200mhz once you go up only thing you have to increase is this FSB and lower the HTT its at 5 x 200 Mhz now = 1000 ---> once yopu go higher with the FSB eg 250 : 5 x 250 = result is over 1000 which causes instability so you have to lower the multiplier to 4 X 250 = 1000.

Other thing to remember if you use stock air cooling most P60 only reach 2.8 - 2.9GHz stable. So if you want to use your ram at the max eg 250mhz you will have to lower the CPU multiplier. eg 11 x 250 = 2750 which should go on your CPU/ram/mobo combination. But increase the ram speed slowly 5 - 10mhz, memtest/prime the rig for hours to see if it's working stable. Also like stated make sure the case has enough ventilation ( so case fans and a clean tidy interior to maximize airflow) like my case eg :




I Pm'ed you some links to how the A64 architecture works so you get a better insight.


I'm very yealous at your setup it must fly !!!

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"If you do not want to OC keep the FSB at 200mhz once you go up only thing you have to increase is this FSB and lower the HTT its at 5 x 200 Mhz now = 1000 ---> once yopu go higher with the FSB eg 250 : 5 x 250 = result is over 1000 which causes instability so you have to lower the multiplier to 4 X 250 = 1000."


Not exactly true on this motherboard. The A8n32 Sli Deluxe has a setting for the CPU FSB and a diffrent setting for SB to NB frequency, The SB to NB frequency is the one you want to fall between 1600-2000 mhz, just remember the SB to NB Frequency is multiplied by the SB to NB multi then multiplied by 2.

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no the nature of the board is that of ddr, so most things like the k8 to NB and the NB to SB are going to be multiplied by 2.


this link helped me understand ALOT more.



The K8 to NB is your fsb x the K8 to NB multi. The NB to SB is your NB to SB frequency x your NB to SB multi. This is something that some people say to be unique to this board. make sure bother of those are in between 1600 and 2000

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I have problem with this configuration (A8N32SLI + TwinX2048-4000PT, A64 X2 3800+).

Memory have errors in Memtest at stock 3-4-4-8 1T at 250MHz.

Also computer is unstable in Prime etc.

When i bought this, placed it into MB and left SPD settings, it was the same. The SPD chip sets system to 3-4-4-10 which is strange.

I spent two days trying to force them to work.

I was able to run them at 2T and with some manual tweaks like DDR strenght and worse "minor" timing settings at 260MHz maximum without errors (over 260MHz they are unstable), however, they are unstable at factory settings.

Raising voltage from 2,6V did not help, there was only more errors at 2,85V.

The CPU was around 2GHz and HTT settings was lowered.

It was a bit worse when I tried latest 1103 BIOS (running 1009).

I will probably RMA them, but I am not sure if that should not be caused by MB?

Anyway, also Corsair modules should be bad, not? :)

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  • Corsair Employee

Command Rate is not really a memory setting and would be dependant on the make and model of MB and PSU and the specific CPU you have installed. You might look this setting up on http://www.rojakpot.com and get a better explanation.


But I would suggest 2T or Auto and can you give us the list of settings you have set?

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I will write to this thread only, but take a look at my last post in "New rig crashes" about the timing, please.

I will try to run them in 2T and not 1T, because it looks like that X2 does not handle 1T well (it is only a personal feeling).

But, in 2T, they are really slower and I am not able to run them at 1T stock speeds anyway.

If someone confirm that X2 have problems with 1T, i will refuse trying 1T, else i still think that there is something wrong (MB/RAM).

I returned IDE drives today (wrong type sent to me) and waiting for SATA, so i dont have system installed, testing in memtest only now.

I have changed everything to Auto and trying to start from scratch.

As soon as i will find something to share, i will post here, because based on my experience, it does not look exactly as bad memory, just like some compatibility issue (MB/X2).

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I have been searching previously but did not find anything about solving problems, only informations that I am not alone.

Maybe I should borrow the sticks to my friend who have some of that "super" DFI boards.

Do you have some explanation why the SPD sets 3-4-4-10 when the RAM is rated 3-4-4-8 in datasheet?

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I have been searching previously but did not find anything about solving problems, only informations that I am not alone.

Maybe I should borrow the sticks to my friend who have some of that "super" DFI boards.

Do you have some explanation why the SPD sets 3-4-4-10 when the RAM is rated 3-4-4-8 in datasheet?


I have an Asus A8N32-SLI Dlx board as well. I have most of the memory timings set to AUTO. At 260Mhz (w/ 2.7v), my "auto" timings are 3-4-4-8-14-16 2T.


Ram Guy,


I just replaced a 2GB M*shkin PC4000 Black kit with this Corsair dual channel kit. Originally, I had the ram voltage set to 2.65v for the M*shkin so I left it alone after installing the Corsair. I ran 7 error-free passes of memtest before booting into Windows. When I finally decided to boot into Windows, my system appeared to hang as programs started to load. I had to manually reset my computer. I increased the voltage to 2.7v before trying Windows again and all is well so far.


Is 2.7v what I need to use at 260Mhz?

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