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LED failure rate with LL120's and LL140's?

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Fan/LED setup:  Running (7) LL120's and (2) LL140's in an Obsidian 500d RGB case. H150i in front with (6) LL120's in push/pull, the other LL120 is in the back/top of the case for exhaust.  Top of case has the (2) LL140's.  The H150i is providing power to (3) LL120's in Push setup, the rest get power from Com Pro (custom fan curve for Pull fans). LED connections into (2) 6-port hubs, both connected to the Com Pro for lighting control.  Also, fans are not on splitters for power or LED and I'm using iCue4 software with latest firmware. 

LED Issue:  Fans and LED control work great (when all LED's are working), however I continue to have LED failures in the LL120 and LL140's.  Since the LED's run in series, once a fan has a bad LED the rest of the fan can have issues along with fans downstream on the same hub.  In January of this year I had (3) fans all have one or more LED's go out (1-LL120, 2-LL140's).  They were past the 2-year warranty, therefore I purchased 3 new fans.  Within the past week (4) additional LL120's have experience similar issues with LED failures. I've spent countless hours testing each fan using a dedicated hub and plugging into port 1, followed by running static Red, Green, and Blue profiles to troubleshoot. Sure enough, 4 separate LL fans have at least 1 LED out, some have several.  These are NOT the new fans replaced earlier in the year, they are approximately 3.5 years old.

Additional troubleshooting:  I've been configuring different profiles and lighting layers in iCUE turning on/off certain LED's to possibly run the fans with fewer lights (trying to bypass the bad LED's).  All the changes and custom configs didn't make a difference, the LED behavior and downstream impact remains. What's interesting, I created a custom "black" Scene on the Home tab using a static color profile of black (R0, G0, B0).  The fans with LED issues either won't turn black, or the specific LED that's having issues changes to a random color.  BTW, I've also swapped out Corsair's LED hubs (I have several after buying several 3-packs), the hubs haven't changed any behavior.  And yes, when making physical connection changes I've powered down first, made connection changes, and powered on.

Question: Is it normal to have frequent LED failures with the LL fans, especially after 3 - 3.5 years?  After all the testing and verification of failures, I'm reluctant to purchase any more LL fan's.

Any feedback on LED failure rates with the LL series fans would be great.  For the price of the LL fans, buying 4 more to get the case looking as it way initially designed would be a gamble. Pics are of 3 different fans when testing. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...

And another, the 8th LL120, started having issues with led's going out.  This is getting ridiculous.

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  • 2 months later...

I am also having this issue. Some LED'S are not lighting up on the second and third fans on my rig. I bought the fans a little over two years ago. If I have to replace all fans in my rig every two years...this is going to get very expensive quickly. Does anyone know if different fans are more reliable? I'm using the LL120's and LL140's Does anyone know if the QL are more reliable?


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