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IRONCLAW RGB Wireless Optical Gaming Mouse Macro Problem

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I'v read problems on the IronClaw having macro's on the mouse stop working.  This has been happening to me. I will be in a game, and all of a sudden the macro's that i'v set for back and forward buttons stops working on the mouse. I have to Stop turn off the mouse, and turn it back on in order for it to start working again. I'v read that people have rolled back firmware on the dongle and mouse, and it has worked for them, but that was just 1 guy. I see many have had this issue also, so i wanted to make a topic seeing if anyone has a good solution that works, or should I RMA the mouse? The thing is, is that I don't think anything is wrong with the mouse because when the problem happens, it seems that the mouse goes to default settings, as in the Forward and Back buttons start to work instead of the macro's set in ICU, Also I disabled the profile changing button, but when the problem occurs it seems like I can change profiles on the mouse because the side lights change. 


What should I do? its really getting frustrating that all of a sudden the mouse macro's stop working in the middle of the game. 

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When this happens, do you see a red circle in CUE 4 above the Iron Claw Wireless picture?

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Unfortunately I think this is a live issue.  The power toggle on the bottom from 2.4 to wired mode and back is the only consistent solution.  Sometimes I need to reconnect the dongle as well.  In effect, it's like the mouse goes into sleep mode and can't reconnect back to CUE.  It's on, it works, but the mouse is in hardware mode.  I don't think replacement will help with this.  


You might try altering or turning off the sleep mode feature, but I am not sure that is practical as it will require you to power off the mouse after use each time.  The other thing that might help is saving whatever macros you need to one of the mouse HW Profiles.  This way when you drop out, at least the mouse functionality is still there.  Of course, the macros you are using must be capable of being saved to HW mode.  Not every function can be stored.  

Edited by c-attack
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 Ya I figured i would give turning off sleep mode a try. Since maybe its was a glitch with that feature. I actually did that before I posted this, and i will test that out these few days. If this doesn't work, then I'll for sure contact Corsair and complain about it since no one seems to have a fix for this. 

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  • Corsair Employee

What version of iCUE do you have installed? What exactly are you plugging the wireless receiver for the mouse into? What firmware version is your mouse using?

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Im using ICUE version 4.13.226         mouse is Version 5.0.130  Dongle is version 5.0.84  and im plugging it into a USB 3.0 in the back of the motherboard. 


The funny thing about this problem is, is that i start to get this problem right when i launch a game or play the game for a while and use those buttons. Also I see the red power sign in ICUE if next to the mouse were if you hover over it, it says Unavailable. 

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On 8/4/2021 at 4:19 PM, Corsair Notepad said:

What version of iCUE do you have installed? What exactly are you plugging the wireless receiver for the mouse into? What firmware version is your mouse using?

soo no answers? in why this is happening? 

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Exact same issue here. From time to time, it disconnects, the red power circle of death appears in icue, the mouse lags, it comes back sometimes.

Does NOT work :

- turning off sleep mode

- changing ports for the usb dongle

- resynchronizing

- I also have the k57 wireless keyboard and I use splitstream to connect both the mouse and the kb to the same dongle. Kb works fine, mouse doesnt.

- Using two different dongles ; same issue.

- Insulting corsair and the mother of their CEO does not work either.

- sometimes, the dongle virtual usb adapter's driver crashes (actually it's very often, twice a day), the mouse just stops working.

Corsair does not give a shit, we're many to have the exact same issue, I think we can just give the mouse back, get refunded and go to another manufacturer.


Edited by DalshimYogaFire
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Some threads advice to rollback the firmware to version 1.something instead of 5.something.

Altough it seems VERY disturbing to revert the firmware back to 4 major versions (do you even use a proper dev methodology like Safe or Agile in Corsair or it's just a bunch of woodworkers to which you made learn some HelloWorld then put them to driver coding ???) , it did not work in my case, the issue is still there (red power circle of death) and besides, it completely breaks the splitstream option in iCue 4.

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Dalshim, if you have rolled back firmware on the mouse, i would prob suggest using the ICUE 3.8 or what ever version that is recommended when you go to the corsair website for the Ironclaw, and click on download drivers.  The problem what i am having is that, I have updated the firmware to the latest firmware on ICUE and the mouse/dongle, but when i go back to the old ICUE that is recommended on the website, the mouse is not picked up by ICUE due to having newer firmware. 


What I don't understand is, why corsair is not listing all the firmware for the mouse and dongle on their website, so users can experiment on which firmware works best for their devices, with different versions of ICUE. that right there is mind boggling because every other company does that, or if they do not do that, at least they deliver on what they promise on their product. 

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  • 1 year later...

the fact that they can't give a proper answer clearly shows that they are asked not to adress it by higher ups, probably not something they can fix, here in September 2022 and i just got this mouse with the exact same problem. It's shamefull to sell this mouse knowing it's broken. Thanks for the useless buy, i'm just gonna return it.

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  • 6 months later...

I just bought this mouse and I have the same issue.

While gaming the mouse goes to "Unavailable" according do iCUE, sensor and main buttons still works (DPI, profile switch doesn't work).

Only fix seems to be toggle the mouse off and to 2.4GHz, sometimes removing and inserting the dongle is required.

Ironclaw RGB WIreless FW: v5.0.130

Slipstream Wireless USB Receiver FW: v5.6.126

iCUE version: v4.33.138

It's a shame as this is a known issue for several months (if not years) and still not fixed. I'm considering returning this product.

Edited by RHBH
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