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Corsair H115i PRO XT fans always running 100%

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Hi everyone,

I have the Corsair H115i PRO XT and the 2 fans are always maxed out. I don't need as much when I'm surfing the internet or at the desktop and the noise gets annoying. ICue does nothing, if I change the profile to silent or modify the curves, they keep running at 100%. Any ideas?


I have the 2 fans conected to the pump, the USB cable connected to an USB connector on de motherboard, the Sata connected and the 3 pin cable connected to the CPU fan (I think the CPU Fan connection is only for not geting BIOS error for not CPU fan found).

My coolant temps are 27-31 While playing and my CPU temps are between 59-70 while playing.

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The 2 water cooler fans are connected to the pump. Then, it is a cable with a 3-pin connector that cames from the SATA cable. There is only one pin inside the connector, the other 2 are empty. I found in Google that it is for connecting it to the CPU fan because this avoid the error of the bios “not CPU fan detected”. The real control of the fans is via USB by the ICUE software.

And yes, y created profiles and it doesn’t work.

Edited by IROnn
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It appears the fan controller is locked up. A forced update of the firmware usually resolves this, but it is not completely risk free. You can contact Corsair Support for an official directive. In the meantime, take the fans off the AIO controller and connect them to the motherboard so you can regain control.
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Go the H115i XT -> Device settings. Check for update and it will respond it is up to date. That will reveal a "force update" option. Select it and it will reload the current firmware.


We have seen other Platinum/XT fan controllers lock up like this. The cause is not clear, sometimes on a new firmware install, sometimes randomly on start-up or after a power event (hard shutdown, etc.). Since there are two independent fan channels, it is unlikely both fans developed a fault in their tach wire at the same time and you are probably experiencing the same fan controller freeze. If you can still control the pump or change RGB colors, then the device is responsive (vs some other type of problem) and this localized to the fan controller.


Another way to check software vs firmware is to quit CUE from the task bar. If the fans drop off in speed, then that suggests a software problem. In this instance, I expect them to keep whirring along at 2400 rpm.

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This steps are on ICUE, isn''t it? Ok I'll try it and I will let you know the result.



Edit: Well, they both are running at 1800 rpm, is not the max speed maybe, my fault. but they problem is the same, I can't change this value.

Edited by IROnn
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Make sure you are not running other monitoring software like HWiNFO or AIDA at the same time. These can cause the software to lock up, but it would stop when you quit CUE.


Try again with a custom cooling curve set to PWM%. If on CUE 3, make sure you actually apply the fan curve to the fan (click fan profile, then click both fans). On CUE 4 this is more obvious with the drop down menus.


Disconnect the two fans from the AIO splitter and then reconnect. Sometimes you a partial connection, but it would be odd for two at the same time.


If nothing works, contact Corsair Support to start this moving in a different direction.

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