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Corsair H150i Pro XT CPU Fan Error and high temps

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Hi All,


I hope that someone here will be able to steer me in the right direction as I am completely lost here.


Recently I decided to upgrade my PC and purchased Corsair H150i as well as a new mobo (MSI Z490 MEG).


Out of the box, H150i seemed to be easy to install the only problem I have with the actual installation (I think) is the three-pin cable that comes off the SATA cable. I don't have a three-pin header on my mobo, so I kept on moving it from CPU Fan to System Fan hoping that one of them would be the right one, still not sure where this should be plugged in.


At the moment the three-pin cable is connected to the CPU Fan four-pin header. However, as soon as I power on my PC I am getting CPU fan error and the temp rises from 45-50 degrees Celsius up to 100 at which point computers shut down within one minute from starting up.


I connected the USB cable to the USB port on my mobo, SATA connection is also plugged in as well as three cables that are connected to the fans.


As I am unable to instal Windows due to constant shutdowns, I am monitoring temps via bios.


I am new to forums and not sure how to add photos to the posts but I uploaded some photos to my dropbox, link below.





Have I done something wrong or the unit is faulty?


Any help would be much appreciated.

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CPU fan error is a MB standard response to not detecting a device on the end of the cpu fan header. This is meant to prevent you from booting up without a cooling solution in place. The 3 pin connector from the XT is not required and does not provide power or control over the unit. It is meant to deal with the CPU fan boot issue without disabling that safety system.


In this case it is working as intended. It’s giving you a warning there is a dead device on the other end. All power for the XT comes through the SATA connector. If the fans spin and pump LEDs come on a boot and the steady overheat occurs, the pump is not running and the unit is defective. If you get no lights, no fans, and no pump, try a different SATA connector to see if the unit will power on.

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Thanks for your help c-arrack!!


It's my first attempt at installing water cooling in my PC and was getting really frustrated with this.


The fans are spinning and the lights are coming on so I guess that as you said the pump must be defective.


I ordered a new one and will send back the current unit.


Will see how this goes.


Thanks again you're a legend.

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