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Corsair H150i Elite Capellix Commander Core questions


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I recently bought a Cosair H150i Elite Capellix and I want to install 9 fans in my PC I was wondering if I could use fan splitters on the Commander Core (a 2 way splitter on THREE of the 6 included fan power slots but for the RGB on the extra fans I will use a Lighting Node Core that comes included with a multipack of fans)

I did a little bit of research and only found some info for the Commander Pro NOT the Commander Core and most people were saying not to use 3 way splitters and a max of around 8 fans but that is for the Commander Pro not the Core but I want to use 2 way splitters on 3 of the fan power slots for the extra 3 fans

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With my CoPro I've controlled a maximum of 9 fans using 2-ways splitters, someone says it can support also 10 fans if not pushed to high RPMs.

As you said, we lack infos on the CoCo, but I can guess the situation is not so much different, as both use 1 SATA plug to drain power. I'd rather suggest you to grab some self-powered fan hubs to group fans if your case allows.

Last consideration, 1 CoCo and 2 LNC means you'll need 3 free USB 2.0 headers on your mobo... do you have them?

Otherwise you'll also need a USB self-powered hub... or consider to buy a CoPro, that could also help with RPM management.



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Last consideration, 1 CoCo and 2 LNC means you'll need 3 free USB 2.0 headers on your mobo... do you have them?

Otherwise you'll also need a USB self-powered hub... or consider to buy a CoPro, that could also help with RPM management.




there is a better option than buying the USB hub and using 2 Lighting Node Cores..


order an RGB Fan LED Hub, this will handle 6 fans RGB. and use one of the Commander Pros RGB LED Channels. giving you back 2 USB headers and 1 Sata power connection.


better on connections... better on usb resources... just better lol


RGB Fan LED Hub is $9.99





to add. yes dont use triple fan splitters on either device. and remember it has a 4.5a limit at its sata connection.. you could use powered PWM hubs also and power all fans from the Commander Core.


as an example..


here is a 32 fans set up using 1 USB header.. 1 Commander Pro..




here is an example of an AIO running the whole system




resources worth reading..






Elite cooler Faq



Edited by Zotty
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My question was can I use fan power splitters on a Commander Core NOT the Commander Pro (the Commander Core has no USB MOBO headers on it and does not have the 2 RGB lighting channels like the Commander Pro and instead only has fan power/LED and an AIO port as well as a single temp sensor) for the extra fans fan power cables side of the fans. I have the Commander Core not the Pro and it came included with my H150i Elite Capellix AIO but as for using a Commander Pro for extra fans I do NOT have one and here in the UK I can almost buy a 3 pack of ML120 RGB fans with a LED control box (as low as £60 if it is on sale or around 70-80 usually and £60 is the price of the Commander Pro which rarely goes on sale and if it does its usually like up to £5 off) or cover almost 2/3's of the cost of the new QL120 fans (£100 MSRP) which makes the Commander Pro seem too expensive if I am only going to need it to power 3 PWM fans on top of what I can do with the Commander Core when I can get a pack of braided fan power adapters for like £5 on amazon and just use the Lighting Node core that come with the extra fans Edited by Z.S
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We are suggesting you not do that on the Commander Core. On the Commander Pro it would likely be fine, but with the Elite AIO you are also routing pump and RGB power through the device. The Com Core is essential for the cooler to work, so if you blow out part of the fan control circuit, you potentially may knock out power to the pump. The price of a powered PWM hub is usually less than three 2-way splitters while off-loading the 12v current to another source. You'll need to do your own risk assessment. Officially the limit is 6 fans.
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We are suggesting you not do that on the Commander Core. On the Commander Pro it would likely be fine, but with the Elite AIO you are also routing pump and RGB power through the device. The Com Core is essential for the cooler to work, so if you blow out part of the fan control circuit, you potentially may knock out power to the pump. The price of a powered PWM hub is usually less than three 2-way splitters while off-loading the 12v current to another source. You'll need to do your own risk assessment. Officially the limit is 6 fans.


OK then I may as well just get a Commander Pro anyway as I would prefer to use the same software to control everything as all my components are from Corsair and for GPU and MOBO I have Asus branded ones so I can still sync lighting with Corsair stuff

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You don't have to get the Commander Pro. The PWM hub connects to one fan port on the Commander Core and repeats its PWM signal for the other fans -- all fans on the hub run the same speed. Depending on your case that may be of little consequence. At a minimum, it would let you put the 3 radiator fans on the hub (using 1 PWM port on the Com Core) then the 6 remaining could share the 5 ports. A single PWM splitter on the Com Core should be harmless and that keeps the effective current load for 7 fans instead of 9. There is no reason to have individual control over the three radiator fans and they all can run the same speed. Depending on set-up, you may be able to use the PWM pub for more fans.


The only value the Commander Pro might have is if you wanted to connect some other Corsair RGB strip elements or non-Corsair 5v RGB devices. For that you typically need a lighting channel and the Core devices don't offer that. If that is needed, then the Commander Pro is a more economically viable comparison to PWM Hub + Lighting Node Pro to do the same job. It also has use if you wanted the 4 temp probe data points for the Commander. The Com Core has 1 and that will do most people not running a multi-block custom water system.

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