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K68 RGB red lightning issue


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Today I received my K68 RGB keyboard, when I received it i tried it on several computers/laptops, everything working fine using the predefined modes, (one of the computers i plugged the keyboard to, has Linux), I downloaded the icue software and started playing with effect/learning them, after a while I tried to connect it back to the Linux computer and hoping to use the predefined modes, and the leds are only on static red, I tried the combinations for the predefined modes, (fn + 1 -0) but the keys wont change and stayed static red, I also tried to do a reset by pressing fn + F4 keys for 5 seconds as the guide says, but wont do anything, it stays red, then when I plug the keyboard back to the device that has Icue, the leds show for a few seconds and then they change to the last profile I got selected, (also tried to do the key combinations in the computer with the cue software and it doesnt change to a predefined mode nor the reset), I dont know if the problem was trying to use the keyboard on a pc with Linux, I just wanted to use the predefined modes when i use Linux, also im confused about the moidel I received, as far as I know the K68 rgb comes with red or blue switches, mine came with cherry speed, the silver ones, I bought it from Amazon México, im guessing it´s a rapidfire version? the box wont say if it is a rapidfire, the sticker for the mx swtiches on the box shows Mx speed, same I got, just confused because the dust and spill resistance "ad/section" shows mx reds. I was actually hoping for blue switches, the description in amazon was weird, it had on the description: "rapídfire" and then "mx blues", prior to this I look at the K68 on Corsairs official website and it showed that the options are blues and reds. Has anyone experienced this issue before?



Sorry for the long message.

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