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CUE 1.16 installer crashed my computer.


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Hello, I had recently reset my Windows 10 (64 Bit) PC, removing ALL my programs but keeping my files.

I was in the process of reinstalling most of my games and software.

It was time to reinstall the CUE for my Corsair Void RGB Wired Headset.

The installer seemed to be working fine until I got sent to a bluescreen.

In the bluescreen I saw this bit of text. "What Failed: CorsairVBusDriver.sys" or something like that.

Keep in mind, prior to my first reset, the CUE of the same version was working completely fine.

After numerous blue screen restarts on my computer, I had to reset my PC again, removing all the progress I made in reinstalling my stuff.

Though I don't want to take the risk of resetting my pc AGAIN, I really do want access to the CUE program features such as surround sound.

Can anyone help me out?

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