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All drivers are up to date, bios is also updated and no it doesn't blue screen.

It's running perfectly, no lags, no other issues and suddenly ''BOOM''. reboot, after 15 seconds back to desktop with critical error in Event Viewer:


[Kernel Power 41, Task category (63) - The system randomly restarts and no Stop error BugcheckCode is listed.]


Critical Error: Kernel-Power Event Data

- System

- Provider

[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power

[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


EventID 41


Version 2


Level 1


Task 63


Opcode 0


Keywords 0x8000000000000002


- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2015-11-19T08:50:11.131609800Z


EventRecordID 175362




- Execution

[ ProcessID] 4

[ ThreadID] 8


Channel System


Computer Corsair-PC


- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18


- EventData

BugcheckCode 0

BugcheckParameter1 0x0

BugcheckParameter2 0x0

BugcheckParameter3 0x0

BugcheckParameter4 0x0

SleepInProgress false

PowerButtonTimestamp 0


your issue may not be with the K95 or CUE. It could be a issue with your windows install. I would go contact Corsair Support, im out of ideas. :confused:

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your issue may not be with the K95 or CUE. It could be a issue with your windows install. I would go contact Corsair Support, im out of ideas. :confused:


I searched already windows support.

The awnser is this:

This scenario usually indicates a problem with the hardware. To help isolate the problem, check the following items:

1. Overclocking: Disable overclocking to see whether the issue occurs when the system is run at the correct speed.

(I have never overclocked cpu or gpu).

2. Check the memory: Verify the memory by using a memory checker. Verify that each memory chip is the same speed and that it is configured correctly in the system.

(I ran memtest overnight with no problems)

3. Power supply: Make sure that the power supply has enough wattage to appropriately handle the installed devices. If you added memory, installed a newer processor, installed additional drives, or added external devices, such devices can require more energy than the current power supply can provide consistently.

(I had no problems with wattage and the only thing i added that requires more energy was the K95 RGB keyboard which needs 5V as i can see from the bottom sticker...)

4. Overheating: Check whether the system is overheating by examining the internal temperature of the hardware.

[Desktop pc has 2x120mm front/rear, 2x140mm side/top and a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO CPU Cooler. Maximum temperature for GPU is 52C, and CPU 50C in 100% usage (stress test).]

5. Defaults: Reset the system back to the system defaults to see whether the issues occur when the system is running in its default configuration.

(I formated the SSD and reinstall windows 7 ultimate 64bit. Installed factory drivers from MoBo and GPU CD. Reboot while playing CSGO happened again. I made all possible updates (drivers, Microsoft Net Framework, Windows, BIOS) and it's still happening.)


For now, my desktop is back for hardware check up.

No matter what, i'll update my news.

If there are no hardware problems i am sure 99% that keyboard causes failure from the moment it is attached and it's drivers installed.

If they don't find anything suspicious, i'll try one last thing.

Another format, reinstall windows, update drivers and use my old keyboard without connecting and installing drivers and CUE of K95 RGB.


Thank you for your time zheren159! :)

Edited by IoannisKon
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just got my keyboard. downloaded everything i need but my sofwater wont find a connected product even though i have my k70(non RGB) connected

You actually don't need anything, the K70 non-RGB has NO software for it and doesn't support macros either. There is no need to update the firmware either as the one available in the downloads are is 2 years old and all keyboards being sold now are already updated to it.

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You actually don't need anything, the K70 non-RGB has NO software for it and doesn't support macros either. There is no need to update the firmware either as the one available in the downloads are is 2 years old and all keyboards being sold now are already updated to it.


yes but the software doesnt detect my device so how can i change profiles and lighting or can i not with the non RGB keyboard

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I followed all the things to do when it comes to device not being connected and I am still having the problem. I am having to use BIOS polling rate as well otherwise my computer doesn't recognize my keyboard. Any ideas/further help?


P.S - It's a K70RGB and I am runnning Windows 8.1 64-Bit

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I followed all the things to do when it comes to device not being connected and I am still having the problem. I am having to use BIOS polling rate as well otherwise my computer doesn't recognize my keyboard. Any ideas/further help?


P.S - It's a K70RGB and I am runnning Windows 8.1 64-Bit


i would contact Corsair Support they will have a better idea on how to fix it

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, this forum might have has this issue solved many a time by now but I can't seem to find anything that helps me. I have a K90 Vengeance keyboard and I'm trying to update its firmware, however it's failing each time.


That and the scroll lock button is flashing, that may be another issue though.

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Hello, this forum might have has this issue solved many a time by now but I can't seem to find anything that helps me. I have a K90 Vengeance keyboard and I'm trying to update its firmware, however it's failing each time.


That and the scroll lock button is flashing, that may be another issue though.

This thread is only about the new RGB products.


That said, the K90 you have most likely does NOT need the firmware update. The firmware on the site is really old and when you purchased it the FW was already the last updated one from the factory most likely. Also do note that trying to update the FW on legacy devices (like the K90) does NOT work on windows 10.


About the scroll lock button flashing, I think you have put the keyboard into BIOS mode. BIOS mode disables all advanced functionality on the keyboard (like anti-ghosting) and makes that led blink as a reminder. You should have a switch behind the keyboard that you can change (it is used to change the keyboard polling rate too), move that and it should stop blinking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for a good guide. Read through the initial post but canmt find the answer, so i hope someone with a little know-how can give me a quick reply.

I have the Corsair K95 RGB (red-MX) with firmware 1.33 and bootloader vers. 0.11.

I have run into a problem i cant get my head around...

**question:** When i have set the profile i want and then "lock" windows, my keyboard halfway disables and turns of all gradient and wave animations. It goes into a wierd mode?

Can i make it so that it doesent change its behavior when windows is locked?


tried to make a video which shows the problem [ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u9GH4WoDzo&feature=youtu.be]here[/ame]

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I have an issue with my K95-RGB keyboard during cold-boot (only).

The num-lock turns off until I turn it back on.

Now, I stated above, cold-boot only. Any warm boots (includes reset and from BIOS) the num-lock is on.


I have re-verified the num-lock setting is set on in BIOS.

I do not believe this is a Windows 10 issue.

I do have the latest firmware and cue software.


Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


On a seperate note, is it possible to get the new Corsair logo to replace the gaming logo currently on my keyboard?

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have a few issues about my new Corsair K65 RGB keyboard.


The dual USB connections/cord. When i lay them side by side, straight, they don't seem to mirror each other, meaning it seems like one is flipped, not the same angle.








Can anyone confirm this?


And also the BIOS switch seems sturdy, but there is some play/rattling when switched or moved to the next number, is this normal as well? can anyone confirm this?


Also what's the warranty on these boards? Lifetime?


Thanks in advance!


- Scott S.

- Honolulu, HI.

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I guess one of the ports got turned the "wrong way", it shouldn't really be a problem though.


The BIOS/refresh rate switch has some "steps" to it to signal each refresh rate (only the very first option to the left enables BIOS mode) and this is normal.


No the keyboard has a 2 years warranty, at least here in Italy/Europe. It might change depending on your country. I remember I read in some countries by law the warranty is 3 years for example. Usually 2 years is the minimum however.

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I'm thinking should i return and do an exchange? Its kind of bugging me. Also one of the usb cords, it's a little dented, or it seems like there is a crease to it, like it was folded or pinched. Possible detrimental to the cord? Maybe it might be problematic later in life or not?!
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I'm thinking should i return and do an exchange? Its kind of bugging me. Also one of the usb cords, it's a little dented, or it seems like there is a crease to it, like it was folded or pinched. Possible detrimental to the cord? Maybe it might be problematic later in life or not?!


the pinch in the cord wont effect it. but if the flipped USB heads bothers you then by all means return it for a new one.

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So i did do an exchange at my local best buy, this new one is perfect, and yes the usb cord that was flipped around was a flaw, this new one is aligned correctly, the wiring also is perfect with no creases! I guess quality control passed the first one i had, it still worked great, just that minor gripe. I feel better with this one though!


Now next question, is it easy to pull the keys off of the cherry switches and replace if needed?? And how can i get replacement keys?


Thanks for all the replies friends!

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So i did do an exchange at my local best buy, this new one is perfect, and yes the usb cord that was flipped around was a flaw, this new one is aligned correctly, the wiring also is perfect with no creases! I guess quality control passed the first one i had, it still worked great, just that minor gripe. I feel better with this one though!


Now next question, is it easy to pull the keys off of the cherry switches and replace if needed?? And how can i get replacement keys?


Thanks for all the replies friends!


shouldnt be that hard with a key cap puller but some of the larger keys can be a little tricky. you cna get replacement keys onlino at places like wasdkeyboards or pimpmykeyboard. Just not the bottom row is not standard.

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I'm having an issue with my new Scimitar RGB. After installing the software I was prompted to update the firmware, and I did. Afterward I found that the mouse, while it reported the firmware update was successful, and I can even disable the lights(whew my hand was getting warm), it is showing "malfunction". I also am unable to select the profile section of the software. After checking posts in this forum, it appears this is a known issue, so I was able to find this thread and the process of attempting to rollback my firmware, after I extracted the 1.06, I find there are 2 images. One is named Scimitar_V106.bin and is 35KB, the other is named Simitar_BLD_002_APP_V106.bin and is 128KB in size. I am uncertain which is the right one to use and don't want to send a partial image to my mouse and brick it before even having a chance to use it. Any suggestions? I'm leaning toward the 35KB file since scimitar was spelled right in it but, you know, stranger things have happened. Also to note is that it specifies that "CUE 1.15" is to be used with firmware 1.06 for the Scimitar, but does not provide a link to that firmware, only links to the single extractable that has the 2 bin files. Edited by Grense
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I'm having an issue with my new Scimitar RGB. After installing the software I was prompted to update the firmware, and I did. Afterward I found that the mouse, while it reported the firmware update was successful, and I can even disable the lights(whew my hand was getting warm), it is showing "malfunction". I also am unable to select the profile section of the software. After checking posts in this forum, it appears this is a known issue, so I was able to find this thread and the process of attempting to rollback my firmware, after I extracted the 1.06, I find there are 2 images. One is named Scimitar_V106.bin and is 35KB, the other is named Simitar_BLD_002_APP_V106.bin and is 128KB in size. I am uncertain which is the right one to use and don't want to send a partial image to my mouse and brick it before even having a chance to use it. Any suggestions? I'm leaning toward the 35KB file since scimitar was spelled right in it but, you know, stranger things have happened. Also to note is that it specifies that "CUE 1.15" is to be used with firmware 1.06 for the Scimitar, but does not provide a link to that firmware, only links to the single extractable that has the 2 bin files.


Use the zip file dont extract anything.

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ok thanks, and oops, near the end of my post I should have said "does not provide a link to that software(1.15)", not "does not provide a link to that firmware".


edit- I just tried updating the firmware with the .zip file I downloaded but received the message not a valid image. Found another thread where Henry included an attached file(identical to the 1.06 one in this thread" and stated to use the file with APP in its name. issue patched for now hopefully.

Edited by Grense
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  • 3 weeks later...



I was having an issue of "Device Malfunction" like every 5 seconds.

This seems to happen more often if I select a profile with "moving" LEDs on them.


I have the latest CUE and latest firmware, I have re-installed CUE several times and re-flashed the firmware several times.


Here's the logs if it would help:


[2016-03-16T08:37:46]: Device vid=1b1c pid=1b13 is marked 'slow startup'.

[2016-03-16T08:37:46]: Device vid=1b1c pid=1b13 is marked 'slow startup'.

[2016-03-16T08:37:46]: Device vid=1b1c pid=1b13 is marked 'slow startup'.

[2016-03-16T08:37:46]: Device vid=1b1c pid=1b13 is marked 'slow startup'.

[2016-03-16T08:37:46]: Device vid=1b1c pid=1b13 is marked 'slow startup'.

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Created new device object: K70 RGB; ready: 0

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Attached to device object K70 RGB: b=1 a=1

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Attached to device object K70 RGB: b=1 a=0

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Initializing K70 RGB...

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Failed to open device: vid=1b1c pid=1b13 path=\\?\hid#vid_1b1c&pid_1b13&mi_00#8&1d4a5187&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Failed to open device: vid=1b1c pid=1b13 path=\\?\hid#vid_1b1c&pid_1b13&mi_01&col01#8&586c542&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}

[2016-03-16T08:37:47]: Initialized (st=1) K70 RGB.

[2016-03-16T08:37:48]: Device insertion processing complete for K70 RGB.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Buffer write failed, 1.Device : K70 RGB,Execution result = 1, result = 0, platform error code = 2.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Buffer write failed, 2.Device : K70 RGB,Execution result = 1, result = 0, platform error code = 2.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Buffer apply for RGB key matrix cannot be performed for K70 RGB as writing to buffer was not successful.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Buffer write failed, 1.Device : K70 RGB,Execution result = 1, result = 0, platform error code = 2.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Fail counter for K70 RGB reached zero, setting status 2.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Buffer write failed, 2.Device : K70 RGB,Execution result = 1, result = 0, platform error code = 2.

[2016-03-16T08:37:51]: Buffer apply for RGB key matrix cannot be performed for K70 RGB as writing to buffer was not successful.

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