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Well I started building this computer at the start of 1012 and have it to where I want it (for now).


Aspects of it have changed drastically over the years with new components, modding the case, modding the componants and so forth.


The white theme only came into effect after watching Logan from Tek Syndicate on Youtube, showing how to add colour to componants. I think he was painting an EVGA GTX770 ACX cover.


After that I was hooked and started on my own components.


As well as building my own PSU cover out of perspex and an aluminium corner moulding, I think the look of it stands out with all the LED lights.


I do have a number of white fans coming to me in the next day or so and will add the final photos to this thread.


Well I hope you all enjoy what I have thrown together and let me know your thoughts.


PS: In the next month to so I may be adding a 4770k and a ASUS Sebertooth with the armour painted white.







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