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Firmware X128

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Ram Guy,


Sorry, I'm a little confused by the exact status of Trim on my X128. Looking at:-




you said at the end of August that Trim was supported on this SSD. As with the 12th post which you replied to, CrysalDiskInfo confirms support for my drive. However, your post above, and the X128 FAQ say this firmware doesn't.


Did you make a small error back in August? Has the author of CrystalDiskInfo also made a mistake in his database? We all make mistakes, especially me:laughing:

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At this point we are not sure, but once we release a new Version for our customers I'm sure we will let you guys know! =)


Hi Ram Guy,


Its now 2 months since windows 7 was officially released. Surely the smoke and mirrors can now be set aside now that Windows 7 is officially released and you no longer have to withhold information? I have been checking in here regularly to see if any firmware has come to light... yawn. Its the same story with no ETA even given on firmware updates.


I hope that firmware will be a nice easy to find link within the forums here when it finally arrives.





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  • Corsair Employee


Just FYI there are firmware updates available for Samsung Based drives to support Trim or will be shortly but ATM the flash utilities are not stable and may corrupt the drive and make them unusable is the issue.

Samsung is working on that and so is Indolinx but there is no ETA when it will be available.

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