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AX1200i Self Test OK? Watch the video please.


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Hi everyone.


I have had this AX1200i for over 3 years and it was working without any problems.Today all of a sudden, and after updating my GPU(RX580) drivers to the latest version, when I started the ETH mining software, my computer suddenly powered off.And since then whenever I try to turn it back on, it shuts off in 5 seconds with a red light on the PSU.


I disconnected the PSU from any connected cables and took a video of it while pressing the self test button.I tried it multiple times. When I press the self test button, the led lights green but most of the time fan just moves and stops. Please watch the video (1 min long). At the 36th second of the video the fan starts with a full blow but other times it just moves and stops. Is my PSU dead?If yes, how can I fix it? Thank you for your help.


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