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Hello I'm making a thread about keybinds and how I can bind multiple keys to a macro key but is too long to type. I've been working on a mod in a game and I've been heavily using pasted text that is usually long to type.


Since I have one a corsair keyboard with macro keys, I thought that I could bind the long string of text to a single key but the thing is, it won't let me. The only way I can bind the text to a key is by typing it out which would eat a lot of my time and errors when recording the keystrokes would be a nightmare to fix especially since the list of keystrokes goes back up whenever you make a change to it. I was wondering if possible, I could bind the text in a much more shorter way. I'm also kind of tried to open up notepad++ every single time to copy and paste different strings of text that I use.


Thanks in advance if anyone helps me. (I was also thinking of using autohotkey but that would be more of a pain to set up imo).


I attached something that I would be modifying.

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  • Corsair Employee

Correct me if I'm wrong but you just want to be able to press a button and a string of text will write out correct?


If that's the case instead of macro you can select Text from the drop down and copy and paste in your text and assign it the desired key.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but you just want to be able to press a button and a string of text will write out correct?


If that's the case instead of macro you can select Text from the drop down and copy and paste in your text and assign it the desired key.


It might be because it's an old keyboard but the thing is that in the commands doesn't have that in the drop down. I have linked pictures to show it.




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