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matching reactive typing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, awesome profile!

Can you explain how you got the reactive typing ripple effect to only affect the 3 G keysd on the left? (G7-9). Ive downloaded your profile and tried to reverse engineer it to no avail. I want to have the ripple effect come out from the key that i press, but I only want that to happen with some keys, and I only know how to do that with every key on the keyboard.

If this didnt make sense i'll try to word it better, but its the effect at 0:20 in your video :) .

Thanks !



for anyone else wondering its actually under the "assignments" rather than lighting. you create the ripple effect in lighting and save it, (but dont apply it anywhere) then i chose the key i wanted to start the ripple under assignments, assigned it a keystroke of itself (in my example I set the key "1" to press "1" then under "lighting when start" at the bottom choose the ripple you made. the 1 key will now still work as a 1 key but it will ripple across the whole keyboard.

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