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2000W Power Supply.


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Greetings to Corsair team and everyone reading this,

Since Ampere GPUs are extremely power hungry and for someone planning to overclock them once available and will build a multi GPU build with a threadripper 32 cores countepart, I am certain that the highest end 1600W power supply from corsair won't be enough anymore... Does corsair plan to release a 2000W power supply like evga did with it's 2000 supernova ?

I sincerely hope you do guys...

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About the cases that do support more than 1PSU, they were made in mind to be a dual system configuration, what is the purpose of using it in a single system ? I am planning to use the 1000D as my main case holding my workstation and gaming pc at once !
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the O11 and O11XL do support dual PSU yet they are single system cases. This is done precisely for builds that demand huge amounts of power :) (lets face it, only derbauder would need these...)


You can then use one of these cables to switch on both PSUs with the case button. Up to you then to split the load.



If your gaming rig has some overhead, hell, connect some workstation GPUs to it :p

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