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Everything posted by TophTalks

  1. Oh damn, that was totally it! Thank you so much! That was going to drive me absolutely crazy. I'll have to play with pulling in the Corsair power supply data into the Elgato Stream Deck with some other method than HWiNFO.
  2. I was using the same that were on the older windows install. I went to AMD directly and downloaded a newer set than Gigabyte offers without any change. Oh and I did a uninstall and delete of user files with a reinstall of iCue. No other USB devices are having problems.
  3. I have two NVME's with windows installed on them. The older one has iCue and everything is working just fine. The newer windows install has iCue running and I can't configure the fan profiles correctly because it keeps losing a connection to the fans, hydro x pump etc. The Performance tab pops into existence and then out of existence. Since everything is rock solid when I boot to the other NVME I know it's not a hardware issue. Instead it's some kind of USB communication problem I'd guess? Any thoughts on how I can fix this? I was about to (painfully) install windows again on the new NVME, just after getting everything setup, to try to fix this problem.
  4. I just had the same problem with a keyboard bought off Amazon, sold by Corsair. Kinda frustrating. Though in the case of my keyboard, doing a soft reset is able to get it to work again. After the reset iCue wants to update the firmware again, and bricked it again. On the 4th attempt and after the reset it says the firmware is updated.
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