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About slibbawibba420

  • Birthday 01/12/1986

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  1. After some raging, I've finally found a possible solution though. Atleast for me, the problem lies in the button that the scroll wheel presses and not the wheel. I found gets more prone to get stuck in a pressed position, which results in the scrollwheel not completely reaching the pressed-position of the button. To fix it, remove the cover and the the part that covers the internals with a T6 torx-screwdriver. Then first spray air around the button, which is under the scrollwheelshaft (on the right of the scrollwheel), with compressedair to remove potential dust. Then with a small plier grab the button from the side and pull it up with great force. Put the mouse back together and the scrollwheel will work again, even when pressing slightly. I don't know yet how long this fix will work, since I have figured it out only yesterday. Sry for bad english i am from afriac.
  2. That mouse is a f*cking joke.... just like the software Why are they even selling these mouses when the scrollwheel obviously needs is *****. Mine broke 2 times already. Even the icue software is just so idiotic with the weirdest mouse driver system i have seen. And they charge 60 dollars for this crap. Better off buying a 5 euro mouse.
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