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Corsair AX760i sound/noise


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After the self test feature gave me a green light (only the power cord connected, nothing else), I decided to put my ear to the PSU and listen if I could hear anything. I did. An electrical sound which I find difficult to describe. Maybe a "crackle/tick"? I can hear it having my ear up to about 5 centimetres from the PSU fan, but even with my ear on the PSU fan, it's very subtle. The sound/noise does fade and eventually disappear when the power switch is turned off.



My friend's Corsair VX550 does emit a sound/noise as well, when the power switch is turned on, and if I'd try to describe that, I'd go with a "buzz".



I would like to know if the AX760i (or any of your PSUs) should emit any kind of sound/noise when connected to an AC source. And if so, what kind of sound/noise should be accepted?



How do I proceed? Should I continue with my system installation?



If my expectations are too high and/or I overextended myself in any way when I made this post regarding my "concerns" I sincerely apologize!


Thanks in advance.


Best regards


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  • Corsair Employee
I can hear it having my ear up to about 5 centimetres from the PSU fan


Any PSU would have some type of noise coming from the unit itself, the only way to determine if the noise is normal or not is when the noise is really audible where you can actually hear it over your case fans or if you can hear it even if the side panel is closed. If you get something like, then I'd suggest that you get the PSU replaced. In your case, I don't think that this is the issue. Install and enjoy your PSU.

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