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16GB kit memtest errors - 8GB is fine


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Dear support,


I recently completed a PC build, with a 16GB Corsair Vengeance kit (CMZ16GX3M4X1866C9). Other specs are: ASUS P8Z77V-PRO, Intel Core i7-3770K, Corsait AX850, EVGA GTX670 FTW.


I did a lot of benchmarking and stability tests with the new build, and never experienced any errors. Except, when playing Diablo III, I had a reboot quite often, no BSOD.


I started to suspice the memory kit, and let a memtest86+ run. With the full 16GB kit in place, I received quite a few errors. However, if I run 2x 4GB with memtest, no problems are seen on any combination of the 4GB modules.

So, I've tested 2x 4GB in all possible slots, in all possible combinations, and no problems are seen.


It's only when i memtest the full 16GB kit, I receive A LOT of memtest errors. What do you guys think about this? Can I do any more testing?


PS: Running the test at 1333MHz is fine, it only gets errors at the XMP profile of 1866 Mhz.

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Hi madev


Did you cheack for motherboard update?

As it improve compatibility and stability ove system

Do you Overclock CPU or only memory?

As if u OC CPU it will increase memory speed at the same time

So if u anable XMP profile and u OC CPU then memory will run over then 1866MHz


Hope this help

Sincerly yours

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It's only when i memtest the full 16GB kit, I receive A LOT of memtest errors. What do you guys think about this? Can I do any more testing?

Make sure you have the latest BIOS for your MB. Then test each stick individually to rule out a bad stick.


If they all pass that way i suspect it may need a voltage adjustment.


There is also the possibility your CPU will not be able to overclock the meory to 1866mhz. But we'll worry about that later. Lets see how memtest comes out.


Go ahead and run memtest at 1600mhz for at least 3 passes per stick or until you get an error. If they error , there is no point in going any further.

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Hi turbonerf & peanutz,


Thanks for the replies so far. I have my CPU overclock to about 4.5 GHz, but if I remember right, I did the memtest without overclock on the CPU but with the XMP profile in place.


I am sure that there is a BIOS update available, since I have used it before. However, I am running an older version, since there is a problem with BIOS USB keyboard recognition in more recent versions.


For these test, I am willing to upgrade to the latest version, and try the tests all over. Should I be doing 3 passes with every single module, in each slot?

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I have my CPU overclock to about 4.5 GHz, but if I remember right, I did the memtest without overclock on the CPU but with the XMP profile in place.

Yes , it's okay to test them with the XMP profile, but i would test them at stock CPU clocks. You didn't mention the CPU overclock in your first post, so now i'm suspecting your issues may just be an unstable overclock and nbot really memory related.

Should I be doing 3 passes with every single module, in each slot?

Start out testing with just one slot only. and use the same slot for all modules. If you find a stick or sticks that error, then you can try other slots just to be sure you do not have a bad MB slot.

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Hi peanutz,


I am running an overclock as we speak, but I did the testing without overclock on the CPU and with the XMP profile in place.


I will perform some testing tonight, without overclock, and see what that gives.


Off the record: what would be the best way to perform an overclock on the CPU, and make sure my RAM is running at its advertised speed? I use ASUS AI Suite II automatic overclock utility (extreme preset). Should I leave the RAM default (meaning running at 1333MHz), and let it overclock with the AI Suite? Or should I start by setting the XMP profile to 1866MHz, and then run the overlock utility from ASUS?

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ff the record: what would be the best way to perform an overclock on the CPU, and make sure my RAM is running at its advertised speed? I use ASUS AI Suite II automatic overclock utility (extreme preset). Should I leave the RAM default (meaning running at 1333MHz), and let it overclock with the AI Suite? Or should I start by setting the XMP profile to 1866MHz, and then run the overlock utility from ASUS?

Really if you are going to overclock it would be best to do it manually and not rely on ASUS overclock utility. It tends to overcompensate for certain settings like voltage and timings and so on. At leat this is what i have found in my testing with overclock of the same frequency compared to manually adjusting those settings in the BIOS. My CPU and MB temps differ greatly too. Manually setting them often yields lower voltages and lower temps along with a more stable overclock..


Overclocking in general is a delicate dance between CPU frequencies and RAM frequencies. This is often a trade off between CPU and RAM frequencies. Meaning as you raise your CPU OC, you may have to lower your RAM OC or losen the timings to keep the higher RAM frequencies..


This all matches what you are finding out with your overclock.


As far as which way to go with your OC. I would first suggest looking for specific overclocking guides for your MB and or CPu and learn what your BIOS settings are and what they do. Then go from there and learn how to do it the correct way.


I'm not saying that the OC utility doesn't work , because it does and usually produces good results. But it limits your OC greatly ...and the performance gains you might see.


It's not something you can really explain without getting into a VERY long and detailed post,. :)

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Hi peanutz, and others who helped me,


I came no further then testing 1x 4GB, and let it pass 3 times in memtest without any problems. For the other 3 modules, I have no idea, it is possible one was faulty..


I was a little nuts about it :sigh!: and decided to RMA the RAM through my retailer, and instead went for another kit. I now have DDR3 2x 4GB Dominator Platinum at 1600 Mhz (CMD8GX3M2A1600C9). I wanted the 2133 Mhz kit, but it was not available soon. I let it pass memtest 4 times at 1600 MHz, without issue. It is happily running next to a 4.5 GHz overclock as we speak. The Dominator Platinum just looks sooooooo nice..... :naughty:


So, I guess we'll never know the true problem, but I want to thank you all so much for the fast and kind responses!

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