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HX1000 Faulty?


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Had a corsair HX1000 psu last february and took it back to reseller within 2 weeks of having it due to it buzzing. Replaced it for the same one as I've read many good reviews on it. Anyway, I had the replacement for roughly 1 and 1/2 years and tonight its started to buzz, loudly! What's worrying me is that it even buzzes when I've turned the PC off but theres still power going to it.


Just need some advice really, as I don't want to risk turning my pc on now until its replaced and the gutting thing is I water cooled my PC, and I can't get the psu out without stripping it down Silverstone TJ07.


I've had it buzzing when gaming which I'm lead to believe isnt a fault and have lived with it. It would do it in sync with my graphics card especially when playing games like css, high fps which would make them squeal.


The sound I'm referring to that I've heard tonight is not normal. I've never heard it before and it's extremely loud. Like I said, its even doing it when the PC is off but has power going to it.


This really is not acceptable for a psu that cost me £180. Hope someone can help?





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the place where i bought it are replacing it anyway. I'll never touch corsair psu's again. Just type buzzing cosair psu in google and see how many responses you get. £180 it cost me and now thanks to that I have to rip my whole water cooled system out. I've had it for 1 year 6 months, pathetic.
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  • Corsair Employee
We would be happy to replace the unit for you if you have any trouble getting it replaced through your reseller, just Request an RMA. While the buzzing can be caused by the PSU we have seen some cases where the PSU was not the cause of the buzzing, but was buzzing in response to some other component, such as the graphics card or motherboard. If you have any issues with a replacement unit you may want to try some of the possible solutions outlined here.
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Thanks RAM Guy and sorry for sounding off. I tried all the things you suggested but it still buzzes. I'm sending it off today to the retailer who have said they'll replace, hopefully. If not I'll send it to you guys then.


Many thanks again,



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Hi RAM Guy,


My retailer have now sent the PSU to you guys. They wont give me any they have in stock as I have had it for 1 1/2 years so I'll just have to wait until you guys get a new one out to me.


Many thanks,



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