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What's with the colour of the 600T?


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The Corsair website (and advertisements in magazines such as Maximum PC) clearly show the case with a matte black finish that looks absolutely gorgeous, but I've been seeing actual product photos on reviews and web stores that show it with a cheap looking metallic grey finish.


Is this actually what it's going to look like or was this finish just used in prototype models?


I worry because I fear the grey will really clash with the rest of my black hardware and look awful. The photos don't look good at all.


Corsair website:




Legit Reviews:






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I just received mine yesterday ready for new i5 build. I've got to say either my eyes or old monitor has gone funny because, I was wanting it to be as dark as possible, where as every video and photo I have seen has looked far from black. Even though I had the same concerns I can promise you mate you will NOT be dissapointed. It is perfect! I was expecting there to be at least one thing I wasn't too happy with but everything and I mean everything is stunning. The build quality inside and out!


The colour was my only worry and I am guessing it is one of those paint jobs you simply cant photograph accurately because the light can be fooling. Unless you have this case under direct sunlight I think you will be satisfied with the colour.

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@fox89 Thanks, that is encouraging at least.


Unfortunately this has me really bummed out. I was all excited to be building a new computer because I thought I'd found the perfect case I'd been waiting for. However, I really wanted it to be black. Shimmery dark grey is such an odd color for a computer that I just think it'll stand out like a sore thumb. I really don't like it at all. I may have to go with a different case that is actually black (unfortunately the Obsidian is way too expensive for me).


Also it's clear the graphic designers at Corsair agree with me, otherwise they wouldn't have altered the photos to make it look black.


Some more examples of the actual finish:




How the heck do you match anything to that?



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You should keep in mind that both those pictures were taken with the flash - that extra light probably makes it look lighter in shade than it does IRL. For the first picture you can see that there is a white spot in the upper right corner. In the second picture, its obvious that it was taken in studio environment - with 2 or more flashes were used. I haven't picked mine up yet - so I shouldn't really comment on the colour yet, just felt like playing devil's advocate.

@fox89 Thanks, that is encouraging at least.


Unfortunately this has me really bummed out. I was all excited to be building a new computer because I thought I'd found the perfect case I'd been waiting for. However, I really wanted it to be black. Shimmery dark grey is such an odd color for a computer that I just think it'll stand out like a sore thumb. I really don't like it at all. I may have to go with a different case that is actually black (unfortunately the Obsidian is way too expensive for me).


Also it's clear the graphic designers at Corsair agree with me, otherwise they wouldn't have altered the photos to make it look black.


Some more examples of the actual finish:




How the heck do you match anything to that?



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You should keep in mind that both those pictures were taken with the flash - that extra light probably makes it look lighter in shade than it does IRL. For the first picture you can see that there is a white spot in the upper right corner. In the second picture, its obvious that it was taken in studio environment - with 2 or more flashes were used. I haven't picked mine up yet - so I shouldn't really comment on the colour yet, just felt like playing devil's advocate.


Yeah I realize I'm overreacting. Hopefully it won't be such a big deal.

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Honestly mate that still dosen't even look anything close to the actually finnish. It really cannot be photographed correctly imo. You cant capture the details without good light....and you cant get the accurate colour that way. It is basically black. If you have a very bright room where the sun is beaming directly onto the case, it may look slightly lighter than it does in my room, but when I was unpacking mine it was in light coming through the window...and STILL looked black. I still cant get over how black it is to what you are seeing online. If this is the case you really want feature wise...then dont be put off by the colour you will be suprised how well it goes. I have a gloss black samsung monitor....black razer deathadder respawn mouse....black logitech keyboard...black speakers and in a room with a black leather sofa.....the case blends in perfectly. In fact its blacker than my speakers from where I am sitting.


To me...it looks just as black in person...as the 700d/800d does online.

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Well I've had my 600T for a few days now and you can rest assured that it looks very dark in person. The only time you will consider it grey is if you use a flashlight or place the case in direct sunlight. The finish looks lighter than it is because it has a shimmery metallic sheen to the paint job - which is highly exaggerated when you use flash to take pictures of the case. Compared to standard black optical drives and other components there is a slight difference in shade - but that is only when you take a very close look with a flashlight...
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Well I've had my 600T for a few days now and you can rest assured that it looks very dark in person. The only time you will consider it grey is if you use a flashlight or place the case in direct sunlight. The finish looks lighter than it is because it has a shimmery metallic sheen to the paint job - which is highly exaggerated when you use flash to take pictures of the case. Compared to standard black optical drives and other components there is a slight difference in shade - but that is only when you take a very close look with a flashlight...


Thanks for the reassurance. I think I'll probably go ahead with the 600T and if the shade really ends up bothering me I might take it apart and spray paint the various grey parts. Luckily according to some

, it appears to be relatively easy to disassemble should I so desire.


Aside from the color, everything else about this case is so slick it would be a shame to miss out on it due to my nitpicking. And I may grow to like the graphite color once I see it in person--who knows.

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I worry because I fear the grey will really clash with the rest of my black hardware and look awful. The photos don't look good at all.


Corsair website:




Legit Reviews:







I can tell you that the photos from the Legit Reviews site has a white balance problem that is screwing with the color. You can tell by looking at the color of the shadows. My eyes are very sensitive to color temp in photos and videos and clearly this is off color. You are seeing a green cast, not a gray. In digital photos and videos, excess green like that will be identified by consumer eyes as a brightness issue. They may have used fluorescent lights or just poor processing after the fact.

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