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Corsair Suvivor 8gb - is mine genuine?


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Hello folks,

Today I received Corsair Voyager 8gb from which I bough on Amazon.co.uk. But the thing is, I want to make sure that it is genuine one.. Because, I looks a little bit differently than Survivior 8gb. (it looks more like Survivor GTR 64gb, one hole for straping, yellow arrow on the rubber, rubber has different pattern) Is it okay that 8GB one looks like 64GB GTR ? So I would like to know, how can I check if it genuine?

Here are some codes I've got in my box(package): 10241371

8 43591 00068

ASSY IN TAIWAN (is it ok? looks dodgy to me)

On the USB itself(on the contact): 08G




Sorry for being so distrustful , but just want to make sure before it's not too late.


Thank you very much in advance!

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