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Where can I get the H70?


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IM GOING TO CALL! newegg tm! lol. Im just wondering how will it perform against my current h50 with two ultra kaze on it.. I also shared this with my buddies over at another site http://forum.unrealgamers.net/index.php/topic/3344-h70-reviews-and-pictures/ im sure a couple of them is definitely going to grab one too. Going to tell my boss to order the h70 to replace his True also lol.
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From the couple of reviews i've seen so far you can just loosen off the ring and fit the H70 straight in so it appears to be the same , also hoses appear to be the same length and they swivel at the pump end , However the results with it dont seem much better than the H50 so far , ie 6 degrees difference when comparing a single fan H50 to a dual fan H70 so chances are if they had stuck another fan on the H50 - like most of us appear to have done - it would near enough match the H70 .

It also seems that the H70 is reccomended to be installed as an exhaust not intake as now with the H50 .

I'm waiting for more reviews to come out as i wanted to get one of these just because it looks nicer than the H50 but results so far are not good enough for me to warrant swapping it out .

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I have read the reviews as well and it is the reviewers who say exhaust.


:flamethro They are not doing any real science, they are just shooting from the hip there. If they checked the heat transfer from the radiator they would see how little the air passing through the radiator is warmed as an intake. They would also see how the warmer air going through the radiator as an exhaust degrades the performance of the H50 and I assume the H70. They are also not balancing the airflow.


I ran test after test and the fact is, with a balanced airflow, intake produces the best performance for CPU cooling and makes about 1C difference in internal temps under full load and I saw no difference at idle. If your airflow is not balanced then the performance goes downhill and it is all about brute strength.

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I ran test after test and the fact is, with a balanced airflow, intake produces the best performance for CPU cooling and makes about 1C difference in internal temps under full load and I saw no difference at idle. If your airflow is not balanced then the performance goes downhill and it is all about brute strength.


:praise: THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!! :praise:


You would not believe how many people freak out about case temps when they see that we "recommend" intake. Users can do it any way they like of course but some people interpret that suggestion as a concrete rule and criticize us for forcing them to do intake only. And, they greatly overestimate how much it's going to warm the inside of the case. If you have proper case airflow, it's going to make very little difference.


As a side note, I point a lot of people to THIS POST.

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Yellowbear you have always insisted that it was necessary to test its configuration to find our happiness. I understood that you guide us to towards solutions, but only practice on our computers we would find that fit best. There is no rule, it is our responsibility to find what suits us best.::pirate::
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I am sad. :[pouts: I will not be able to order an H70 when it comes out. My beloved new computer has fallen gravely ill. It went black in the middle of use; just died. The power button does nothing. No fans come on. No drives spin. No pulse and no respiration. There is an led on MB that is illuminated. The aux power button on the MB (its an ASUS P6X58D) is illuminated, but nothing happens when you push it. (Maybe it is not brain dead yet)


I hoped that is was the 12V rail of the power supply. Other techs thought it probably was as well. I switched it out, and sadly, no change. The power supply is a two month Corsair, so while I doubted it had failed so quickly, I was hoping that was the case.:brick:


My next thought is the MB has cooked on the power side. I hope it is not the CPU. The MB is a $300 part rather than a $1000 CPU. I don't know any way to be sure other than replacing the MB. There are no P6X58D's in Florida. I will have to order it and that will take the last of my money until late September. I am a teacher so I do not get a paycheck again until September and I am out of money :[pouts:


That leaves me without the money for an H70. :greencry:


I will read with anticipation your reports of how nice the H70 is.

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It gets worse. I received an RMA for the motherboard. They agree that it died.

Removing the back plate for the H50 from the motherboard so it could be shipped ... I screwed up the traces under the foam tape. It lifted the coating and my finger squashed the traces. No choice now but to buy a new one since that voided the warranty. :damnit:

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