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game crashes

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I've had this sytem a couple months now and noticing more and more crashes. The code given is 0xc0000005. this is a known memory issue right?

one game crashes on load and the other randomly crashes when playing. MS's mem diag didn't give any results of failing. Should I rma these moduals?


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We have absolutely no idea what memory you have or even if they're set up correctly in the BIOS, so RMAing is not the next step.


So, what memory do you have, how many sticks, and what speed / timings / voltage do you have the BIOS set up as?


Also, asus pt6 doesn't exist. What motherboard do you have?


BTW, that error could be memory, but it could be a lot of other things as well.

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yeah slight type on the mb. it's asus p6t i7 x58/ddr3

the memory is i7-ddr3 corsair 6gb 1600mghz tripple channel kit of 3

i'm running bios settings on auto which is underclocking the memory. i'm gonna try and dig into the timings and voltages this weekend.

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