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TWIN2X4096-8500C5D G Problem

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I build this computer with a gigabyte MA770-UD3, with other parts listen in my specs. After about 3-4 weeks it started giving me IE7, Win Explorer and random crashes, blue screens of death, and various missing/corrupt files. I ran memtest, and it would say the memory was fine, but Windows mem tester said there was a hardware conflict. I checked the Gigabyte mobo and it didn't list this RAM as compatible. So I ordered a ASUS mobo (listed in my specs), and another pack of this Corsair Dominator RAM. Built the computer with them, leaving this pack of RAM out. Booted, reformatted and reinstalled Vista, running fine. I added the original sticks of RAM back in thinking it was the mobo that was causing it. About 4 weeks later it started all over again. Running memtest, and windows memory test, one test showed good, one test showed bad. I pulled the original set of RAM out and it is now running stable again. Leads me to think that the RAM is the problem.
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  • Corsair Employee
Did you test those modules by them selves one at a time to be sure one was failing and with 4 modules I would suggest setting the memory frequency at DDR667 and set the memory Voltage to 2.1 Volts and set the NB/MCH/SPP Voltage to +.2 Volts as well and test the system with http://www.memtest.org. In addition, with some MB's (Mostly ASUS) you have to disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.
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I changed BIOS to the parameters you suggested, and tested the 2 sticks I had installed, and ran memtest, it came back with over 200 fails. I turned the system off, removed 1 stck and started testing each piece 1 at a time, they all passed. I installed all 4 with same parameters, and tested with memtest, and passed. It doesn't appear to be the RAM, but 2 different mobos doesn;t seem likely to be the cause either. What can cause it to start developing problems when running for long periods of time, but when turning off for 30 secs, cause it to fix it?
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  • 2 weeks later...
DRAm timing 5-5-5-15 with 2T, 2.1V, tested individually, and with all 4 sticks. Individually tested fine (oddly), with all 4 sticks shows errors. Ran with speed settings at 667, and 800, same results. I had updated BIOS and for about a week the blue screens had stopped, but are back.
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  • Corsair Employee

Yes the set that matches would need to be installed int he right slots so that set is in D/C with its matching pair mate.


With 4 modules I would suggest setting the memory frequency at DDR667 or DDR800 and set the memory Voltage to 2.1 Volts and set the NB/MCH/SPP Voltage to +.2 Volts as well and test the system with http://www.memtest.org. In addition, with some MB's (Mostly ASUS) you have to disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.
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