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Can't get TR3X6G1600C9 running at 1600 with EVGA X58... how?


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SOoo.. going a bit nuts here. :bigeyes:


New build (specs in drop down). I can't get the 3x 2gb TR3X6G1600C9 to run at 1600. As far as I can get is 1333 (with all autos). I have tried all sorts of configurations and settings. I have updated the bios and loaded the XMP Profile1. No dice.


Each time it boots up and the LED Post screen displays error "68" which apparently means memory error.


Sometimes I might get 1 successful boot out of it, but then the next boot I'm back into the same mess.


I've been trying the following:



1.65 dimm volt


I tried adjusting VTT as well.

I don't know what else to do.


Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Yes I can achieve boot with one, I managed to get one boot with 2 sticks, and haven't been able to get a boot with 3. I also updated the bios for my x58 which apparently gives support to the XMP Profile 1 setting and 1600mhz for all i7's. Tried that and it failed.


Since I've made this thread I've managed to get it to 1333mhz (timings at AUTO set to 11-11-11-28-88-1t) with a CPU OC of up to 3.5ghz. E-LEET is showing a ram freq of 850~mhz, which would equal 1700MHz .. correct? SO I am basically running at 1600mhz or in this case more. But why is it that I cannot run stock settings without overclock my cpu first? That just doesn't seem right to me. What settings am I missing? It was my understanding that the XMP Profile would set all the bios settings to what is required in order to achieve stock ram settings (1600mhz).


I'm just really confused... and I'm probably forgetting something. Please forgive my noobness, DerekT. :confused:

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There are two issues that bring this result it seems. One is a damaged Memory Controller or Northbridge Conduit (not all that often but it happens enough not to be discounted) and the other is a damaged CPU socket or misaligned (often slightly misaligned) insertion of the CPU.


Remove the CPU, use a magnifying optical device and check the pin alignment. If you find one that is not in alignment, use a very small toothpick to re-align it, or RMA the mainboard.


This seems to be the reasoning as I have received notification to be very careful with the insertion and socket. There's more "play" in the socket than in the Core 2 socket.


Insert one stick in slot 2. Enter BIOS. Set to XMP. Shut down and insert the other two modules in slot 4 and 6. Reboot.



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There are two issues that bring this result it seems. One is a damaged Memory Controller or Northbridge Conduit (not all that often but it happens enough not to be discounted) and the other is a damaged CPU socket or misaligned (often slightly misaligned) insertion of the CPU.


Remove the CPU, use a magnifying optical device and check the pin alignment. If you find one that is not in alignment, use a very small toothpick to re-align it, or RMA the mainboard.


This seems to be the reasoning as I have received notification to be very careful with the insertion and socket. There's more "play" in the socket than in the Core 2 socket.


Insert one stick in slot 2. Enter BIOS. Set to XMP. Shut down and insert the other two modules in slot 4 and 6. Reboot.




Thanks for responding. You've helped me before, by the way (about 2 years ago, I think), I still remember.


Unfortunately I'm at work right now so I will have to try this and post the results when I get home in a couple of hours.

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Sure thing.


Thanks for responding. You've helped me before, by the way (about 2 years ago, I think), I still remember.


Unfortunately I'm at work right now so I will have to try this and post the results when I get home in a couple of hours.

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Alright I've tried 4 and 6. Nothing and nothing. I haven't checked the CPU socket yet. To be honest I'm kind of burnt out at trying to figure it out. I'll check the CPU Socket tonight if I feel like I can do it without breaking anything. :wtfman:


Is it possible I could have a bad kit? Someone ran that idea by me at the evga boards. Then again, E-ELEET is telling me the mem freq is 850 so... if that's true then I'm already stable at over 1600 mhz. :confused:

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To be honest I'm kind of burnt out at trying to figure it out.


I totally understand your feelings.


Is it possible I could have a bad kit? Someone ran that idea by me at the evga boards. Then again, E-ELEET is telling me the mem freq is 850 so... if that's true then I'm already stable at over 1600 mhz. :confused:


Of course it is possible you have a bad stick. If you Memtest each stick singly and pass, then you have isolated the memory from the equation.


Return of the mainboard has dealt with this issue when I have found it. I have yet to have the issue repeat, but rather than a return, I will first check the CPU socket.

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