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Wrong RAM?


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I have a Asus P5B - VM motherboard that i recently bought, and i got for RAM

Corsair CM2x1024-6400C4. I Put the computer together and it seems to run fine, everything works well and is recognized. The problem is when i play, say, Half-life 2 it will, every once and a while BSOD saying PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA or something like that, and i cited Win32k.sys as the problem. People say that this is caused by bad ram or incompatible ram. I have run Memtest86+ a couple times over night, and it comes up with no errors.. then i ran the windows memory test. no errors. so im wondering if the ram just doesnt work with my board, or it may be something else.


Thank you

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If Memtest didnt come up with any errors I dont think the problem is with the RAM. But just to make sure, get the latest BIOS for your motherboard and update all of your drivers and also run windows update. Are you leaving your BIOS settings at default or do you have them set manually?
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my bios is all up to date at "1001" and i updated everything i could, for drivers on my computer.

i ran 2 different memtest versions first i ran the memtest+ then i ran memtest3.xx and it crashed in the middle of the test, on test 2 with 84 million or so errors, even when i disables lagacy USB service, so i dont know if one test doesnt work or not.


My bios settings are not default, i changed my ram voltage to 1.95, and the clock to 800MHZ, but thats it. it errored the same way with it at default as well.

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Just to be on the safe side try running this again. Go to http://www.memtest.org and download the latest 1.70 version. Burn the ISO image to a CD. Set your BIOS defaults and boot from the CD. Allow it to run atleast two passes. It would probably be best to run each module seperately. This way you will know which stick is giving you errors, if any. It will probably take 30min or so per module. If it passed, there should be zero errors.


If it has passed, set these manually in the BIOS:



DDR2 Clock: 800MHz 

CAS Latency: 5T
RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 5T
Row Precharge (tRP): 5T
Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 12T

VDimm Voltage: 1.9v


These are the tested settings for your RAM. Run Memtest again with these settings only if you passed at defaults.

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ok, i ran the test and there were no errors after an all night 20 pass test.

are you sure that its rated for 1.9v, because on the stick it says "2.1" and the timings on the case are 4-4-4-12 and 800mhz, I have two sticks of these XMS2 6400. im just wondering if that matters

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bump, will you comment on this Mr. Ram Guy. I just want to know what you think about my ram Passing memtest 20 times, even with ram that is incompatable, but it will crash while doing some pretty tough programs.

what would you suggest sir?

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