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P5K compatability with CM2X1024-8500C5D


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I built three new computers each with the Asus P5K board. I have 2GB of CM2X1024-8500C5D 1024MB 1066MHz memory for each computer. For the past three and a half weeks i've been trying to get this memory to run at 1066 mhz stable in Windows Vista. The memory runs fine and stable at 800 mhz in Vista, but will not run stable at 1066 mhz in Vista.


Over the last three and a half weeks this is, briefly, what I have done:


Bios settings:

AI Overclocking: Manual

PCI-E Frequency: 100

DRAM Command Rate: 2T

DRAM Frequency: 1066

DRAM Timing Control: Manual

CAS# Latency: 5

RAS# to CAS# Delay: 5

RAS# Precharge: 5

RAS# Activate to Precharge: 15

DRAM Voltage: 2.1v

North Bridge Voltage: 1.4


I have also changed various BIOS settings i've found in these forums and the Asus forums in experimenting, the above are the settings i'm currently using. At various times in testing have tried timings of 4-4-4-12 and others.


B. I have tested with single modules and two modules in each machine.


C. I have run memtest for 12 hour runs for each machine for individual single modules and two modules in each machine - several times each. There are no problems indicated in memtest at either 800 mhz or 1066 mhz. The problems only begin when Vista is used and the memory is at 1066 mhz.


D. The problems in Vista do not exist when the memory is at 800 mhz, memory appears stable with no errors at all in Vista and runs smoothly.


E. The problems in Vista do exist when the memory is at 1066 mhz. The problems in Vista when the memory is at 1066 mhz consist of; apps stop responding, login takes a long period of time of up to 5 minutes (with the memory at 800 mhz the login happens at the blink of an eye), various errors.


F. I have already returned one set of this memory to where I bought it and they replaced it with the same memory, I thought it might be some bad memory. The replacement memory does the same thing as above.


G. I've read probably every post on these forums and the Asus forums with anything having to do with the P5K series of boards. I've gone over everything I can think of. I have even tried the mysterious black slot thing running memtest each time. I've done nothing except work on these three computers each day (after getting home from work) for the last three and a half weeks trying to get the memory to run at 1066 Mhz. I have a whole notebook of settings and things i've tried, the notebook is about an inch think now. Nothing seems to work and i'm pretty much worn out and fed up.


The Asus manual for the board lists CM2X1024-8500 - the CM2X1024-8500C5D is what Corsair has matching that series of memory in the Asus manual. This memory is listed in the board manual by Asus as certified to run at 1066 mhz which it does but only in memtest. Since I don't work in memtest because its not an operating system i'd like to have the memory run stable in Vista. All hardware in the computers is brand new, the Vista is brand new retail. Did I get the wrong memory?


At $160.00 per each memory kit X 3 = $480.00, how to get this memory to run stable at 1066 mhz in Vista?

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Hi Ram Guy,


Right now, there will be two modules for each machine, total of 2 GB in each.


There isn't a single exact error in Vista, its a combinations of things:


1. At 1066 mhz the log on can take a long time, up to 5 minutes. At 800 mhz the log on happens in the blink of an eye, very quickly at less than a second after the password is entered.


2. At 1066 mhz apps are slow to start and freguently stop responding. At 800 mhz there are none of these issues and everything works perfectly.


3. At 1066 mhz I get various announcements that some things that run in the background have stopped for undefined reasons. At 800 mhz these issues do not happen.


4. At 1066 mhz a quick look at the Resource Monitor after login (see #1 above) occurs reveals upwards of 100,000 hard memory errors or in a few cases there were more. At 800 mhz a look at the Resource Monitor reveals a normal expected number of hard memory errors maybe up to a few hundred or so at the very most.


(about #4 - yes I know the hard memory errors showing in Resource Monitor do not reflect actual problems with memory. After log in some errors are expected due to differences in timings of various things loading into the background and hard drive access. However, the increased difference between a few hundred at 800 mhz and 100,000 at 1066 mhz is not exactly ignorable)


5. At 1066 mhz Vista is not 'smooth', operation is 'jerky' frequently, for example....dragging a window - drag starts the just stops then jerks to where you were originally going to drag it. At 800 mhz these issues are not present and everything operates smoothly.


6. At 1066 mhz the hard drive is constantly in use with the machine at idle, at first I attributed this to Vista indexing but after several hours of constant hard drive access I decided this was not the case. These are fresh clean installs of Vista with nothing installed except Vista, and indexing should not take more then a few minutes at the very most even on slower machines. At 800 mhz there is not hard drive access except when Vista is indexing or your actually doing something that needs hard drive access and indexing only lasts for about 20 -30 seconds.


I could go on and on, there is a lot more. The summary is, at 800 Mhz Vista is fine and works great - at 1066Mhz, well, I could insert a bunch of foul words here but instead...read above.


Like I said in my original post, memtest showed nothing, in fact I set one machine up for 1066 mhz again last night and started memtest and this morning when I left for work looked at it and no problems indicated. I did not set the memory to 2.2 volts as was suggested, I was tempted because I was really fed up but I didn't do it. In addition, even though all the boards were running the latest released bios for the P5K board (BIOS version 704), i re-flahsed the BIOS to ensure there were no weird problems there.


Before I can go any futher I need to ensure the integrity and stable operation of the memory at 1066 mhz in Vista, so far it doesn't look like this memory is going to operate at 1066 mhz reliably. These machines are going to go into service for engineering purposes for communications and data systems, so the memory integrity and reliability is important as is the memory speed - which is one of the reaosns we purchased the Asus P5K because it had memory available that, according to the Asus QVL, was certified to run at 1066 Mhz which turns out to be the very memory we are having issues with, there were other reasons as well but this was one of them. Based upon indications from already swapping one set of memory for another at the place where I got it and then the same problems occuring i'm not even sure at this point if continuing with this memory is going to be worth while. Contact with Asus is being attempted in the mean while to seek their guidance as well. It shouldn't be this difficult should it? I see hundreds of posts from people with problems getting various memory to run at the labeled specs, you would think it would be 'Plug memory in - set bios for memory speeds/frequency - use computer'.


What else can be done to get this memory working at 1066 mhz reliably, stable, and in Windows Vista? Suggestions, help, welcome and appreciated.


(EDIT: In the last few minutes i've been told that a co-worker of mine has been able get all the memory exchanged for the same memory and he reports that the same problems exist with it at 1066 Mhz and Vista)


EDIT: OK lots of things happening today. After the first week of trying to get this to work we attempted contact with ASUS about it. I've been informed that Asus has responded. Their response is that the OVL lists the CM2X1024-8500 and does not list it as CM2X1024-8500C5D. This is really confusing now...the QVL lists CM2X1024-8500 - but the only thing Corsair has thats even close to that QVL item is CM2X1024-8500C5D. There shouldn't be a difference, should there? What the heck is going on here? Did Corsair not test the CM2X1024-8500C5D with the P5K board and only tested the CM2X1024-8500 with the board or something? Shouldn't the CM2X1024-8500C5D work? What is the difference with the C5D?



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  • Corsair Employee

I seem to remember someone else having problems with this MB and they changed to a different model to solve the issue as I remember they tried several different modules from different makers.


But what are the exact BIOS settings for both CPU and memory and what is the BIOS version you have installed?

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The BIOS settings right now are:


Bios settings:

AI Overclocking: Manual

PCI-E Frequency: 100

DRAM Command Rate: 2T

DRAM Frequency: 1066

DRAM Timing Control: Manual

CAS# Latency: 5

RAS# to CAS# Delay: 5

RAS# Precharge: 5

RAS# Activate to Precharge: 15

DRAM Voltage: 2.1v

North Bridge Voltage: 1.4


Everything else is on AUTO right now. Have tried numerous other settings but these are the ones we are currently using. Have tried 266 for Northbridge strap and CPU also.


The current BIOS version is 704


Its kind of strange that three motherboards purchased at three different times, from two different sources would all have the same problem with the same type of memory, at least it is to me. There are two common denominators - the motherboard or the memory. The motherboard manufacturer says that the board will work as specified with the QVL listed memory running at 1066 mhz and even lists a brand and model of memory that is certified. The QVL lists CM2X1024-8500, but the Corsair number is CM2X1024-8500C5D - the only difference is the 'C5D' which I don't think makes a difference (does it?). A different model board is out of the question, this board is supposed to work, the manufacturer says it does, and so that brings it down to deciding if the board actually does work or the memory does not work. Two different ways to go - board or memory - I just know that if I send the boards back that Asus is going to say there is nothing wrong with them. So since a different model board is out of the question (and i'll be glad to tell you why in a PM if you wish) - i'm stuck with getting the memory to work as specified in the board in which the manufacturer says the OVL listed memory will work.


The memory and board have to both work at fully specified capabilities. The board is supposed to work with the QVL listed memory and the memory is supposed to work at the specified speed of 1066 Mhz.


What settings would you recommend to try? I've tried everything in the forums that I could find. What would you suggest?

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The latest BETA bios is 801, P5K Beta BIOS 0801, i'm not permitted to use a beta bios, I am only permitted to use a released product and no beta. The latest release BIOS is 704, so I can only use 704 at this time.


The CPU is Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 @3.0 Ghz, FSB Frequency = 333, and i've set FSB Strap to Northbridge: 266 to try and get the memory stable.



EDIT: Well, like I said things are happing fast for me today. Based upon some variables beyond my control at this time, a decision has been made to no longer pursue the use of this memory. I've been told another brand of memory has been ordered over night and has been specifically tested with this board and works stable in Windows Vista at 1066 mhz with the Asus P5K motherboard...sooo..it looks like going any further with this is a moot point. Thanks for your assistance though.


The latest BIOS is 801 and what I would try also what are the CPU settings and Voltage? If its set to Auto what does the MB detect it at? And what is the exact CPU you have?
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

dear RAM guy,

unfortunately more people suffer from this problem. Many have purchased the expensive Corsair memory, but to-day have I been unable to run my system at the 1066 speed. I found several links, but no working solution in my case.


system: Asus p5K, rev 1.02G, I tried 3 different bios's (also beta), winxp sp2, corsair 750 PS (stable V line). memory is 2x1 in my case (not 2x2 as described here)


symptoms: system does not even boot at 1066, at 800 works like a charm.


has anyone found a solution? since the last post...?

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  • Corsair Employee
I would run the memory frequency at DDR800 until the MB BIOS matures a bit more. Or try another MB, or if you have the resources you are welcome to try other memory, but from what I just found searching for this problem its not module maker specific. IE it appears to be a MB or BIOS issue.
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  • 7 months later...

Dear RAM guy,


I'm still having the exact same problem as he is having above with same components. Is there a solution to this problem yet? Do you know of any settings that work?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


BTW I already ran Memtest and ram is error free and Bios is upto date.



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