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Bad Ram need a RMA


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I bought this ram from ZipZoomFly ( Corsair TWINX1024-3200C2 1GB DDR400 XMS3200 CL2 Dual-Channel Memory w/Heat Spreader Retail ) on 05/02/05. They have performed with no problems. Out of the blue The other day my computer would not start. So I took it to the PC-Club repair shop. They found it to be one stick of ram to be the cause. After they pulled the bad stick out the computer it starts with no problems. They gave me back the computer with one of original 512 sticks in the comp untill they could get two more sticks of proper DDR ram.


The ram that the PC-Club sold me was ( Corsair CMX512-3200C2PT XMS3202 v4.3 0523110-1 XMS 3200 512MB 400MHz CL2 Platinum series )


I put these two new 2X512mb sticks into the comp and had the same problem as with the original ram. I switched out the ram between the two new sticks untill I found the the one that was the problem. So now I have two sets of ram and each with one bad stick. I hope a RMA will help me get my GB of ram back that I bought twice now (: I know things happen.


I also would like to know if I can run these together as a set of 4 sticks or are they not close enough?


One says


Original RAM 3200C2 XMS3202v1.5

New RAM 3200C2PT XMS3202v4.3


Thanks for any help you can give me.

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The first ram worked fine for a while so I don't feel that they have the same problem. I did move the ram around in each slot just because i thought the same thing it might be the slot but with no change. Will they gave me a RMA here?
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It might have been me that you talked to. If it was thnks for your help. Sorry but http://www.memtest.org is all Greek to me. I took the NEW ram back to the PC-CLUB last night. They exchanged with me a lessor ram ( Cosair Value Select 2x512 CL2.5 ) No heatsinks. This new lessor ram worked fine so that is what I'm running for now to get me by. I also brought the Original ram to try them in another computer at their shop. The other computer did boot but the one ram that was causing me problems in my computer did not register 512mb on the start up screen. So I know that it's not just my computer. I am not the best guy for setting up a bios. So i better not try LOL.
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Yes I am up and running but with a lesser level ram. I still would like my old better ram replaced or fixed. I don't care as long as I get my good stuff back in my computer. I still have not recived a RMA. Do I need to speek to someone els or did I just post in the wrong place all together?
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