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TWINX2048-3200C2PRO on a Biostar NF 325 A7?

Captain U-96

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Biostar says that I can use DDR 400 memory in duel channel, but I can't find any reference to my mobo anywhere on Corsair's site. I've already bought the memory and it is on its way to me. I'm currently useing 1 gig of XXXXXX PC 2700 @ 2.5-3-3-7 1T. Can you tell me if I'll be ok? Thanks, Mike
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What hat? I don't see a hat, how about that!


I have a hat that says Corsair on the front, and XMS on the back. It's the best ball cap I ever had, and I'll wear it proudly!


My 3D Mark 2001SE score went from 6562 3D Marks to 20016!




The only puzzle is that CPU-Z shows I'm running in single channel, and the memory mods are working together if you go by the leds. Windows XP Home says I have 4 gigs of memory instead of 2, and so does PC Pitstop. Any ideas?

Thanks, Mike

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Are you reading the timings from the SPD or Memory tab?


Check the manual to find out which slots are for dual channel mode.


On the memory page under general it shows size as 2048 and Channels as single. Freq.201Mhz, FSB Dram as CPU/12, then 2.0-3-3-6-11-16. SPD shows module size correctly for each slot (2) Timeings Table 200Mhs= 3-3-3-8. Since I only have two slots--the max memory I can have is 2 gigs, and yet XP and other programs includeing PC Pitstop say I have 4 gigs? Thanks, Mike

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Windows will use the HDD as memory are you sure you are not seeing the memory windows is using from your swap file?


Yes, I looked at it carefully. Here is what Biostar says I need to run Duel Channel :=====================================


MEMORY Maximum 2GB


DDR 333/400


Supports 256-Mb, 512-Mb ,1-Gb DRAM Densities for x8 and x16 non-ECC DDR devices.




Dual Channel Guidelines Matched DIMM configuration in each channel

--- Same Density (128MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, etc.)

--- Same DRAM technology(128M-bit, 256M-bit, or 512M-bit)

--- Same DRAM bus width (x8 or x16)

--- Both either single-sided or dual-sided


Matched in both Channel A and Channel B memory channels

--- Populate symmetrical memory slots


Optimal platform performance with Dual Channel, DDR400, matched DIMMs

--- Fully loaded configurations can be single or double sided DIMMs

--- Lightly loaded configurations need to be double sided DIMMs


When not using DDR400, best performance obtained with

--- Symmetrical DIMM population and matched double-sided DIMMs

--- Lightly loaded configuration

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ALL Socket 754 boards are INCAPABLE of running memory in dual channel.


The above link says that my Biostar NF 325 A7 Can run duel channel. Also, the above specs came from Biostars site, and is also in my manual. So, I don't know what to think, but my machine is still running fine? Mike

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LMAO, the link's wrong, should've read it completely before posting. ALL 754 memory controllers (located in the CPU) are incapable do run dual channel by design.







Memory Controller Width 64-bit (Single Channel): (754-pin)



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Well, I don't know? Everything seems to be running fine, except for the exagerated numbers given by Microsoft and others. The modules seem to be operateing in duel channel mode; as both sticks activity lights are always almost the same (activity). What would you suggest I do? Thanks, Mike
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I think you are miss-reaidng the information it says there are two slots not that it supports Dual channel. All socket 754 AMD CPU's will only support single channel. http://www.motherboards.org/mobot/chipsets_d/Nvidia/nForce3+250


Here is the link to Biostar and my mobo: http://www.biostar.com.tw/products/mainboard/board.php?name=NF325-A7#


I called AMD, and they confirmed what you said about S 754 Athlon64 processors only being able to run in Single Channel. How can Biostar not know this? Mike

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  • Corsair Employee
I would suggest you talk to the MB maker, but I would suspect it's just a mistake on their site. However, some of the chipsets that support socket 754 may have memory controllers in them, but every MB I have seen has opted to use the memory controller in the CPU. Which is single channel only.
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OK, you and I now know what's what on AMD's Socket 754. Biostar's American site only says the mobo will support up to 2 gigs of DDR 400. Except for the mis reporting of the numbers--it seems the memory is running fine. I'd rather not send them back if I can get away with it. I'll contact the American site techs and see what they say. What would you do? Thanks again, Mike






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Looks like its working right from what you have posted. But check with the MB maker about the spec.


I did e-mail them at Biostar when you suggested a couple days ago, but no response; and they make it known they do not respond to every e-mail.


Yes, my computer is performing better than ever before. If you watch the leds closely, you can tell they aren't operating together. Every program I have except XP Home gives me the correct data on my ram. So, if anything does come up all I need to do is buy another gig of XMS Pro, so both sticks aren't identical. Thanks for all your help! Mike

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You cannot mix memory with this platform, you will need to use modules that are exactly matched both in part# and revision.


I'll need to pull out one stick and get the specs off it before ordering.


But now, it looks like I'm going to have to replace this mobo, because my Hiper Clavier Aluminum Keyboard took out the USB ports tonight as I was having dinner! Have a good day, Mike

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I'll need to pull out one stick and get the specs off it before ordering.


But now, it looks like I'm going to have to replace this mobo, because my Hiper Clavier Aluminum Keyboard took out the USB ports tonight as I was having dinner! Have a good day, Mike


I ordered a Mach Speed Viper(64) K8T8AS K8T800 754 mobo to replace the Biostar. http://www.machspeed.com/v64_k8t8as.htm I seen somewhere that they claim this mobo supports Duel Channel Memory too! This is suppose to be their newest mobo, and I hope it works.


The tech from Biostar has been in contact with me , and I've done all he's asked of me, and the USB ports stilll don't work. Now, he's suggesting I either do a clean install of my XP Home, or install XP on a "spare hard drive"!

I guess I'm lucky I also ordered a Hitachi Deskstar 160 GB Ultra DMA 133.

Have a good day, Mike

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