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Hi, I recently purchased an Alienware PC that included 2 gigs of Corsair XMS3200 memory approximately October 10th or around there. Very unfortunately, a RAM chip decided to go bad like 10 days or so after my 90-day warranty expired. As you can probably figure out, they were extremely resistant to offering me any help and have denied even talking to me because my warranty has expired. (Possibly the worst service I have ever experienced!!!) Then I got on your website and realized your memory comes with a lifetime warranty, and read the conditions that apply, and I am assuming I qualify. (If not, it looks like I spent money on a computer with faulty hardware and there is no way I will be reimbursed.) Anyway, I have all the information from my alienware purchase and would greatly appreciate it if someone can help me by telling me so I am able to get this defective RAM replaced. Thank you!
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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me the make and model of MB you have along with the CPU speed and it’s FSB as well? In addition, please tell me the bios settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set?
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Hey, all right, so I am not very certain as to some of the questions you are asking. Make and model of (MB?) Not really sure what that is. I purchased the computer online from Alienware, it's an Aurora model. In terms of the RAM, everything was put in by alienware, I made no system adjustments, so I am taking it they know what they are doing and configured it properly, but who knows. The RAM is (CMX1024-3200) One gig was what failed. My processor is an AMD Athlon 64, processor speed is 2.41 ghz. Not sure what you mean by FSB either. Sorry, I know some about computers, but not that much. Also, as far as the bios, I have not changed anything around, I have left it as is the way alienware configured it, the only thing I had to change was the boot order because when my RAM failed, I reformatted and I had to change the boot order for this.
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How exactly do you know your memory has gone bad?

All right, trust me when I say my RAM has gone bad. I spent about $2,500 on an Aurora Alienware pc. I was playing WOW and my computer shut itself down and would not boot back into windows. I removed one stick of RAM and tried booting and It continued to not load windows. I removed the other chip and windows booted. To make sure it wasn't a bad memory slot on the mother board, I tried both chips in all slots, one chip would not work in all of the slots where the other chip worked in all slots. Just to make certain I wasn't wrong, I put the chip I assumed was bad into another PC and same thing, windows would not boot, I tried the functioning RAM in the other pc and it worked, thus, something is wrong with this RAM I purchased as a whole unit from Alienware. Since they won't do anything about it, I am relying on you guys to help me out.. But, yes, wired, I am pretty certain it's a bad RAM chip I am dealing with, unless you beg to differ and have some other solutions. Either way, all I want is to either "fix" this chip or get a replacement, seeing as how I did pay for it, and it lasted a mere 100 days when it decided to stop functioning...

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Sorry if what I am saying is difficult to grasp, due to unorganized idea structure or what not. I just got out of work and my brain is all ready fried from studying all week. At any rate, in summary, this is what happened thus far: (as redundant as this may be)


1. I purchased an Alienware pc (which was intrinsically a bad idea to begin with. Had I known their service was horrible, I would have built my own)

2. 100 days after my purchase, a memory chip ceases to function properly.

3. I contact Alienware but they won't even talk with me because my whopping 90 day warranty has expired.

4. I contact you guys after reading that corsair memory has a LIFETIME warranty (not some minuscule 90 day warranty) and figure that after you guys assess my problem, you will probably be able to do something for me.


Hope there is something you can do. If not, it looks like my only other chance (besides being out a hundred or two hundred dollars) is to contact the good ol' BBB and tell them just how wonderful Alienware's services really are... Thanks, I appreciate any help I can get!

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Odd thing is, they're supposed to have excellent service. Did a quick scan of their site, found info on their standard 1 year warranty, but nothing about a 90 day warranty. Happen to have a link on it?


Anway, sounds like you've done enough T/S on it. I'd hit the automated RMA form @ http://tsxpress.corsairmemory.com, or wait for Ram Guy to post here on Tuesday (assuming they're closed Monday).

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Odd thing is, they're supposed to have excellent service. Did a quick scan of their site, found info on their standard 1 year warranty, but nothing about a 90 day warranty. Happen to have a link on it?


Anway, sounds like you've done enough T/S on it. I'd hit the automated RMA form @ http://tsxpress.corsairmemory.com, or wait for Ram Guy to post here on Tuesday (assuming they're closed Monday).


-Yeah, it's very strange isn't it? I forgot to mention their lack of continuity and consistency as well! I called tech support three times to try to remedy this situation and to make sure my memory was indeed bad. The first two times they attempted to give me help (keep in mind all three calls were on the same day). I had to go to work later that day, before they could figure the problem and when I called later, they refused to even talk with me because my warranty had expired. My mother was the credit card holder in purchasing this computer, so I let her call and try to figure it out, first she called tech support and they told her the same story. She then called customer support and the person she spoke with was rude and very sarcastic about the warranty. She pointed out that the memory was faulty and all he said was that the 90-day warranty had expired and all they can do is sell us more memory.


Anyway, on their website, not sure if you noticed, they get an "A" for customer support, where other companies get a "B" at best. I think Dell got a "B", I think compaq and gateway got a "C" and HP got a "D". Sorry Alienware, I think it's the other way around, maybe if you switch your "A" with HP's "D" we might have something plausible. Any other company I have dealt with will at least speak to me if a warranty is expired, you know? Try and at least offer me some support. Anyway, thanks for listening to me gripe, I am going to fill out one of those forms and see where it goes. Thanks, Wired!


Oh, by the way, I don't have a link as to proof of my 90-day warranty. but it's probably somewhere in this paper work. If you want to see it I can look for it and scan it. Actually, try: http://www.alienware.com/warranty --- this is supposedly information about their warranty.

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Looks like they have me there. If you read carefully this statement: Alienware warrants to the original purchaser that any Alienware branded hardware will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for the applicable limited warranty period set forth in your packing slip or invoice, which is measured from the date of shipment


I know this statement may sound like a conspiracy theory, but in the wording, it seems like they are saying, "if you purchase our 90-day warranty, we will put in as much effort and quality parts so that something goes bad a few days after your warranty so you will have to pour even more money into your all ready expensive computer."


I guess I just have really bad luck. Kinda funny how the memory went defunct no more than 10 days after my warranty expired...

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I sent for an RMA form, I filled out all of the questions and answered I have tested the memory with Memtest and seen failures, and/or, I have put the memory in a different compatible system that I know is good, and it still fails. I don't want help trying to solve the problem, I just want to replace the memory because I am an expert and I know it is bad." to one of the questions. For some reason, they won't go any farther with me. They told me to run a memtest. I ran an memtest, also, I put the RAM that I know is bad into other pc's that are compatible and I know will function with that RAM and I get the expected outcome: the computer will try to post on any computer that I put the RAM into, then it will restart. Something is wrong with the RAM - nothing is wrong with my mother board and the dimm slots. With that said, is there anything I can do to get a replacement, or do I have to continue going through with this loophole just to replace a part that became defective after a hundred days of usage? Thank you, any help is greatly appreciated.
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Hey, I have filled one of these out before, that's what I was trying to explain in the above post. I filled out the form and I got a response telling me to run a memtest, which I have all ready done - that's the only reply I received. I tried filling another one out from the link you provided but Outlook express popped up instead and won't let me send it because I don't have a destination to send it - so I am not sure if something is wrong with the submit button or not. Is there anything else I can do? I all ready have an RMA request out like I said before but I can't go anywhere with it because the moderators or whoever sent me a reply only told me to run a memtest- that is it. I appreciate all the help you have given me. Thank you.
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