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RAM or Mobo or more?.. help


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I have came across an issue... my computer ran fairly well for some time until recently, and although I know everything about my computer is in my sig I will go into more detail about it now before I get to the root of the issue.


DFI Lanparty UT SLI-DR (lite retail) (BIOS 2005/03/10)

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Venice (Cooled by Zalaman CNPS9500 LED)

1 x (matched pair) Corsair Twinx PC3200 C2 [CMX512-3200C2PRO] (total 1024MB)

1 x (matched pair) Corsair Twinx PC4000 [CMX256A -4000] (total 512MB)

Total RAM (1536MB) (when posting)

2 x eVGA 6800GS (256mb Each)(Bios's and Board set to SLI mode with bridge on cards

Western Digital 2500JB (250GB) IDE (if that helps)

Sapphire Theatrix 550pro TV tuner (PCI)

Sony DGL DVD Burner

Panisonic DVD-RAM

Onboard sound

24pin Power connected

4pin Pentium 4 connector connected

Ultra X-Connect 500watt PSU (On order for Ultra X2 SLI registered PSU)

Lian-Li 6070A with modification

1 x SilenX 120mm Exhaust (TOP)

2 x Coolermaster 80mm Exhaust (rear)

2 x Coolermaster 80mm Intake (Front)

1 x Sunbeam cold cathode inverter with 2 Coolermaster UV cathodes

Windows XP Professional


And as my sig says... if you need more just ask I take pride in what I put in my system and make sure I know it inside out...


So here is my problem... err series of problems... It all started when I first built the system and could not get windows to install so I read on your forums that some people had issues with this and 6 series cards from NVIDIA so I got a PCI card and got windows on without a hitch... but then my system would lag and occasionally BSOD. playing the most simple of game... even games without intense graphics... which I thought was ridiculous because it would post amazing 3D mark scores.. (I know it’s not a true test of performance)... but it would also run prime95 no problem... (I had a suspicion it was ram)... so I came to your amazing guide on corsair ram and DFI... which actually really helped... and I got my system somewhat under control with ram timings of 2-3-3-7 (2T) 200Mhz. and I could got even higher bench results. However again I got BSOD's... so I dug up that my issue could have been a conflict with SP2 and the nForce 4 built in firewall... (error was nv something .exe sorry I don’t have anymore info but right now I cant replicate the issue because my computer will not even POST) regardless I took heed of what other people had done and eliminated the issue... however I would still get system STOP errors and BSOD... now I also suspected it could have been my TV tuner... however, when I remove it I get the same issue. So I tried swapping out my ram... and even trying each stick in another computer (P4 Northwood with a Giga-byte GA-8KNXP... and 875P chipset) they all worked in there... so I tried using either the CMX512-3200C2PRO or the CMX256A -4000 by themselves, no POST. Then I noticed the little red indicator lights at the bottom left of the board... but they are inconsistent... sometimes they will show all 4 sometimes. 3 sometimes 2 and then even more confusing is when they show 2 then restart and show 3 and then restart and show 2 then restart and POST... (But only post for a second then shut down or hang).


Now I know I do not really have a PSU that is on the Definitive DFI PSU chart... however Ultra is well regarded among the review community and I have had nothing but good results from them, their 12v rail almost never varies. The 3.3 and 5V rails NEVER move and always report correctly in the BIOS... and to a multi-meter. And regardless I have a SLI cert PSU on order... so that will eliminate that thought....


My ram has posed timings of 2-2-2-5 on a P4 system... and been rock solid... so laxed timings should be no problem, and have been overclocked on stock voltage to nearly 250Mhz (laxed timings)... again on a P4


The Hard drive is stable and ran WD's tool to check for bad sectors


The graphics cards consistently (when the computer runs) show amazing frame rates nearly 9000 3Dmarks (in 05) (8862)


Even when I remove one card and try the system will not post, with either card.


My prognosis is a dead board... (Making a trip to get a new one on Tuesday if so)... money is not really an issue. I will just get something faster... nothing against DFI because it’s the board I have been dreaming about for some time and if I can I REALLY would like to continue to use it...


So I am sorry about this post being really long but I wanted to kill as many birds as possible, and wanted to give you guy's and gal's as much info as I could provide... and anything you can think of short of buying a new system would be great thank you...

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