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help with memory and asus sli delux


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Ditto Wired's post. You're best bet with a 32-bit Windows Xp system is two gigs in two sticks. Running four sticks will force you to run at a 2T command rate. Additionally, with four sticks all of the sticks will have to match by brand, model, and version number to run well at all if at all. As of bios release 1015 and up of the deluxe board the ddr speed is locked to 333mghz with "full loading" (i.e. four sticks) even if the core revision of your fx55 is capable of running four matched sticks at 400 mghz. With four sticks you'll also see a noticable drop in bandwith efficiency when tested with Sisoft Sandra. I see better than 95% with two sticks and around 75% with four. Good luck.
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