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Asus k8v SE help


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ive recently purchased a stick of corsair xms 1 gig memory CMX1024-3200 and on the site it says it supports my current mobo which is asus k8v se and im currently using 2 stick 256 corsairs and i tried adding the 1 stick into the mobo and it wouldnt work so i tried it by it self and it didnt work and was wondering if k8v SE is supported or is it just me .. im currently on 1007 bios (which is the most recent version that isnt a beta version) and was wondering if i just have inadequate ram or if its jsut me .. thanks
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  • Corsair Employee
Yes that module will run in your MB but you cannot mix the memory. Just use the new modules and then use the reset jumper on the MB. CLRTC. Then see if it will post with just that module installed and let you set the voltage to 2.7 Volts.
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