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K100 RGB Firmware Update check always says "Update Failed"

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This is a very troubling problem for such an expensive keyboard. I haven't had mine stop responding but it does randomly acquire a life of its own and start inputting my last key strokes. It literally opened chat in my online game the other day and typed my password verbatim into Global chat. Not only is this extremely annoying its ALSO a security issue now.

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Not sure what you guys are talking about with the random typing thing and such.
Your issues have nothing to do with the main topic (please read the title and the description of the very first post).

The main problem here is that while checking for updates on iCUE we receive an error saying "Update Failed".
This happens to me too. So far no feedback from Support.

I had a look on the internal iCUE logs generated while triggering the update and I can see that the files cannot be found (server side). Assuming Corsair deliberately deleted them from that location, why would they leave the situation as it is and risk having that "file not found" type of error? Couldn't they handle the exception in a more elegant way and just return a "no relevant update is available" or something?

So the actual important question here: on top of v1.11.39, is there any newer update pack available that we should have with actual significant improvements?
If not, then we should not care about that error at all. The keyboard works fine anyway, the only thing that bothers me is that I get the "Update Failed" error, but maybe I don't even need a potential update, so why bother further?

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9 hours ago, Markoo7 said:

Not sure what you guys are talking about with the random typing thing and such.
Your issues have nothing to do with the main topic (please read the title and the description of the very first post).

The main problem here is that while checking for updates on iCUE we receive an error saying "Update Failed".
This happens to me too. So far no feedback from Support.

I had a look on the internal iCUE logs generated while triggering the update and I can see that the files cannot be found (server side). Assuming Corsair deliberately deleted them from that location, why would they leave the situation as it is and risk having that "file not found" type of error? Couldn't they handle the exception in a more elegant way and just return a "no relevant update is available" or something?

So the actual important question here: on top of v1.11.39, is there any newer update pack available that we should have with actual significant improvements?
If not, then we should not care about that error at all. The keyboard works fine anyway, the only thing that bothers me is that I get the "Update Failed" error, but maybe I don't even need a potential update, so why bother further?

How about check the 4th comment in this thread and you'll understand why we are talking about the ghost typing problem in firmware update thread.

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The “4th post” accurately surmised why the updates were frozen and they apparently don’t want you to update to any further FW Versions until there is a solution. While there is a link between the issues, it probably makes more sense to vent frustration with progress on this in any of the separate ‘K100 typing on its own threads’. I’m also not sure why no one ever popped in here and officially stated firmware updates have been locked until the problem is resolved. 

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As far as I understood, the update is blocked so that the users won't get the bugs from the new release.
Therefore, logically speaking, all the users that have this Update Failed issue do NOT have any other issue from the next release.

So, in consequence, this thread is addressed to those last guys, not to those who already have the faulty firmware with additional bugs. So my observation related to the fact that users with ghosting should NOT post in this topic, since it's totally different, still stands, respectfully, I mean no offence!

Just saying. If I misread / misunderstood something, I apologize!

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Apologies Markoo7 I did not mean to come off so brash. Just meant to point out that there is a correlation between both subjects and because google is bringing people to this post because of the aforementioned post that is most likely why we ended up commenting here about the issue.

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2 hours ago, Ziddy said:

Has anyone done an RMA with Corsair with the "stuck key, unresponsive until unplug" issue?  Not even being able to update the firmware to solve this as well. What is Corsair's response?

My keyboard either frooze completey with key remaps not working and light effects stuck and not moving or the last key struck freezes and the keyboard becomes unresponsive until I unplugged it. 


I made a ticket and done a RMA, sadly the new keyboard I got has the exact same problem. 

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10 hours ago, Ziddy said:

Has anyone done an RMA with Corsair with the "stuck key, unresponsive until unplug" issue?  Not even being able to update the firmware to solve this as well. What is Corsair's response?

I just got my RMA approved / info today. I will let everyone know the out come once i get it done 

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Just got the replacement keyboard via RMA it came with firmware 1.11.39 that i was told is the issue for the keyboard locking up and is also the firmware that has been pulled. 

As TheGent97 stated though i also noticed a new firmware version 1.13.53 is available. 
Doubled checked and plugs the old keyboard in and it can also upgrade to 1.13.53

So for the main reason this thread was opened for. The firmware updates were not working due to one of the following
1, you were already on the newest firmware at the time being 1.11.39
2. you were trying to update after Corsair pulled both firmware version 1.11.39 and 1.9.26 as both of the firmware versions that  caused issues with the keyboard locking up. 

I have not upgraded to the newer firmware yet and asked in my corsair ticket if that is advised... as it is going to be really silly if they sent me a new keyboard due to a bad firmware, and the new keyboard has the same bad firmware... AND a new fixed firmware comes out the same day i get the new keyboard. 


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I just RMA'd my K100 for this issue. It seems that once the keyboard is on the bad firmware (1.11.39) there is no fix and the firmware can't be updated. I'm guessing Corsair is quiet about this issue because they're not looking forward to having to exchange every K100 out there when they have perfectly fine hardware and have just been ruined by a bad update.

The replacement keyboard is on firmware 1.9.26, and has an available upgrade to 1.13.53, a version that did not even show as available on the old keyboard.

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  • 4 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, KHdV said:

My firmware is 0.33.265 and is the latest version???

Doesn't really matter! I am having no issues at all



Hey, hey!

This is one of the earlier firmware versions for the first generation of K100 MCU, and there are currently three out there (and perhaps a fourth now in production).

v1.11.39 (this is the MCU with the ghost typing issue)
v1.13.53 (mentioned above by Vylanis as an RMA K100 they received)

@c-attack may have more information on the latest firmware version, and why current v1.11.39 are unable to update to v1.13.53. Any thoughts?

Edited by PJH
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The 1.xx versions were the ones with the ghost typing and freezing issues.  Is someone on 1.11 and unable to update to 1.13?  That is the current offering and if it has been pulled, that's the first I've heard of it.  Possible there is a new version coming in relation to the current CUE 5/K100 lighting issue.  


5 hours ago, KHdV said:

My firmware is 0.33.265 and is the latest version???

This is the one I am interested in.  This would be an update for those with the older MCU in the K100 who currently are on 0.32.262.  All K100s are affected by some type of lighting bug on CUE 5.  I was hoping that 0.33.265 was the cure for that, but it does not show as available for me on my 0.32 FW K100.  

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The boards with 0.33.265 are completely different hardware, we don't even see any updates in iCue. 

Seems like they switched hardware at some point in the last couple years and that board is rife with issues.

If i knew how to rip the firmware I'd post it to see if you could Frankenstein the firmware with the hardware.

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