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K100 Air not using synced mural ligtning


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I'm currently running a corsair heavy iCUE RGB build with a Mural and a lightning profile for Cyberpunk, that i've downloaded from the official Corsair page.

My K100 Air, that i received today does not synchronize it's lightning with my other devices. However it is regocnized on icue and works well together with my mouse and headset on a single Slipstream connector.

Anyone with the same issue?




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Murals/Scenes are not profiles and do not save to the device. Don’t confuse Murals (a superficial lighting layer on top of a profile) with the actual CUE profiles that contain lighting, key assignments, and various other settings that are the working part of the software. 

It’s unlikely the Cyberpunk lighting profile has been updated for the K100 Air. Each time a new device is released, each existing lighting profile must be programmed for it. Sometimes with KBs you are more fortunate and most of the key lighting is there. The wireless nature of the K100 might alter that. 

Im not terribly surprised the K100 air is currently not working with murals. It may not have been included in the development process prior to its release. A wireless kb would need to transmit a lot more lighting data than a wireless mouse or pair of headphones and often those types or peripherals have more limited lighting choices in wireless mode. I don’t know for sure if that is the current limitation, but as suggested above try connecting via cable and see if Murals/Scenes now is functional. That would prove the point one way or the other. 

Edited by c-attack
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4 hours ago, visawee said:

Is that so? My Virtouso XT SE and my Dark Core RGB SE don't seem to bother.

I also get notifications in iCUE stating that the profile has been saved successfully on the K100. 

Hey, hey!

Sorry, I should have been more specific here. K100 AIR has the hardware limitation in wireless mode.

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/26/2022 at 12:20 AM, PJH said:

Hey, hey!

Sorry, I should have been more specific here. K100 AIR has the hardware limitation in wireless mode.


Recently bought K100 Air for myself. Right away I noticed that iCue started to notify me repeatedly that "K100 RGB AIR WIRELESS: Lighting Effects Saved".

That notification will occur even if I don't do anything.

Is it possible that there are for example too many lighting layers in my lighting profile so that the K100 Air runs out of memory? What sort of hardware limitations are you talking about? When keyboard costs 300€ there's no room for hardware limitations.


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39 minutes ago, WillYo said:


Recently bought K100 Air for myself. Right away I noticed that iCue started to notify me repeatedly that "K100 RGB AIR WIRELESS: Lighting Effects Saved".

That notification will occur even if I don't do anything.

Is it possible that there are for example too many lighting layers in my lighting profile so that the K100 Air runs out of memory? What sort of hardware limitations are you talking about? When keyboard costs 300€ there's no room for hardware limitations.


WIRELESS MODE!!! Technology will not allow you 

Edited by John Hoang
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  • 9 months later...

oh, I should have researched this before purchasing the air today.  Will return tomorrow. 🙂

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