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Corsair XG7 Waterblock - Black Corrosion


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Been having issues for a while with this block. Note the black. I've built two different systems with it. The first one had distilled with hades and inhibitor. After a few months it started corroding as shown here https://i.imgur.com/DFoEzz2.jpg

The second system was build with new tubing and Mayhems XTR White. Its started going a chocolate colour after 3 weeks. Is this likely to be the GPU block as thats how it looks. The first system went brown in the tube coming from the gpu block and had brown in the block. The brown seemed to lessen the further away from the block that the loop got. My XC7 is perfectly fine and has shown no such corrosion.


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seeing how pitted the nickel is, it seems that inhibitor is either inefective or wasn't present in sufficient quantity (nickel oxyde is often black). That corrosion is what i'd expect to see on a loop that runs on pure DI water to be honest.

As for the Mayhems, apparently they pride the XTR premix as not needing inhibitor.. 

I guess you're SOL for warranty claim if you use a coolant that is not listed as compatible


Now the nickel plating is purely aesthetic, so, ugly as they may look now, they are still very much good to go, but if i were you i'd ditch manual mixes to go with properly diluted concentrates or compatible premixes that are known not to disolve metal...

Now, as to why the GPU blocks reacted and not the XC7, i only see temperature difference as a possible cause. Despite the CPU reading higher temps, the block is always a lot cooler, just because of the concentrated heat on the CPU, and the presence of an IHS. More interfaces to go through for the heat.

GPU is direct die cooled, and the block temperature is very close to GPU temp, so in effect the XG7 should likely be hotter than XC7 under load... and the 3080TI pumps twice as much eat in the loop than the CPU

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  • Corsair Employee

What radiators are you using?


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57 minutes ago, Corsair Notepad said:

What radiators are you using?


2 x Corsair XR5 360 mm 


1 hour ago, LeDoyen said:

seeing how pitted the nickel is, it seems that inhibitor is either inefective or wasn't present in sufficient quantity (nickel oxyde is often black). That corrosion is what i'd expect to see on a loop that runs on pure DI water to be honest.

As for the Mayhems, apparently they pride the XTR premix as not needing inhibitor.. 

I guess you're SOL for warranty claim if you use a coolant that is not listed as compatible


Now the nickel plating is purely aesthetic, so, ugly as they may look now, they are still very much good to go, but if i were you i'd ditch manual mixes to go with properly diluted concentrates or compatible premixes that are known not to disolve metal...

Now, as to why the GPU blocks reacted and not the XC7, i only see temperature difference as a possible cause. Despite the CPU reading higher temps, the block is always a lot cooler, just because of the concentrated heat on the CPU, and the presence of an IHS. More interfaces to go through for the heat.

GPU is direct die cooled, and the block temperature is very close to GPU temp, so in effect the XG7 should likely be hotter than XC7 under load... and the 3080TI pumps twice as much eat in the loop than the CPU

It had Mayhems Inhibitor. They advise 1-2 drops per litre. I doubled this to be sure and my loop was about 900 ml.

I've seen many people on reddit showing similar levels of corrosion in the same way for various Corsair parts like the XC7 and XG7. It doesn't make sense. The XTR is listed as being compatible with nickel plating so I'm sure its not that. The flow plate is showing some signs but its the area before and after the flow plate which seems black. Almost like its an area of water which isn't moving. Its also lower than the flowplate.


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  • Corsair Employee

Hey Junpit!

Please create a support ticket here and send me the ticket number in PM, and we will look into it. Thanks!

Regards, Seaweed

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