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I have a DDR 512 MB XMS 3200 memory. MemTest hangs up at about 80% and "Windows Memory Diagnostic"'s test "WINVC" fails, too. BIOS settings are ok. So what can I do?


By the way: I'm German and I bought it at http://www.mindfactory.de, is this an authorized reseller? And do I HAVE to send it to America or is there also a german address?


Thanks for helpful answers

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The part number is CMX512-3200C2. I have a Soyo SY-KT400A mainboard with an Athlon XP 2000. All settings are set to default: FSB 133 MHz, CPU 1666 MHz, CAS 2.5, RAS to CAS 5, RAS 3, TRas 7. No performance settings. My PC hangs up when I run "demanding" software like audio/video editing tools or games. And what about the german address if I want to claim my warranty?
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Assuming your RMA is approved, you should contact your reseller to see if they will RMA it. If your reseller won't, contact Corsair's Customer Service Department and they can find out whom your reseller's distributor is and help you out with the process.


Otherwise the only Corsair address to RMA it to will be in the USA.

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I just found out something really strange: I put my memory into my dad's computer and runned "Windows Memory Diagnostic": all tests succeeded.

Then I put his memory (no-name, 256 MB) into my computer and all tests succeeded, too. :confused:



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