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Problem with bad memory

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Recently I bought DDR3200 Twinx XMS 512mb memory. I have been having a windows error irql_is_not_less_or_equal that is caused by the memory. Is this a problem caused by the memory or is it a BIOS setting?


Usually the problem occurs while the memory is in use of things such as games(HL2 CS:S), but it also occurs at random times, even when I am not using it.

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I have a Pentium 4 CPU that runs at 3.0 GHz with an 800 MHz Fsb. My mother board is an Abit IC7-G.


The two sticks I have are a twinx set and their part umbers are CMX256A-3200XL and their revision numbers are XMS3208v1.2.


I will post my memtest results later today.

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I tested the memory individually with aanother module of the same type that I know works(my mother board only allows for dual channel), and they both had no error in two passes. I then tested them together and they came back with 35 errors in the first pass.


They work individually but not as a pair, very weird. So is this a hardware error that needs to be sent in and fixed or is it a BIOS setting that I can fix easily?

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