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COD problems related to RAM


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Hello, i have 4 sticks of 4gb of the same RAM (CMK8GX4M2A2400C16R), 2 are ver. 3.21 and the other 2 are 5.20, because i didn't buy them at the same time. I have a x470 gaming plus max and r5 3600.

When i use only 2 sticks and default bios settings, i get 2400Mhz and no problems playing COD, but when i add 1 more or 2 it goes to 2133Mhz and i start crashing at COD.


I'd like some explaining or something helpful i could do to solve this problem.





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Even though the two kits are the same speed and timings, the version numbers are different meaning the two kits are using different memory chips on them.


It is not recommended to use unmatched memory kits as it can cause instability and compatibility issues as you have found out.


You either need to get a matching kit for the capacity you want, or find another kit that is the same version as one of the kits you already have.


You could try to loosen the timings of the memory, but no guaranty it will be stable.

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Thanks a lot for the information and knowledge! I swapped the second kit for another one which may have the same part number and it works now with default bios settings and the game doesn't crash anymore!





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