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AIO_Pump or CPU_Fan Corsair Hydro Series H115i RGB Platinum


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Hello. I need a help regarding H115i. Where should I connect it AIO_Pump header or CPU_Fan on the motherboard (rog strix Z390-h gaming) ? Read a lot of opinions if connect to AIO_Pump then pump will work 100% and it's not possible to configure it. Is it right?

If connect to CPU_Fan then need to do some configuration in BIOS?

Which solution is better? I guess if motherboard has AIO_Pump header then it should be connected there?

Sorry. This is my the first liquid cooling system. Thanks for help in advance

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It doesn't really matter which header you choose or if you don't connect it at all. That connector only reports a pump speed to the BIOS and it is not a control or power header. All changes to fan, pump, and lighting will be done through iCUE software.


That said, we usually suggest you keep it on CPU fan. 1) CPU fan isn't a very good case fan header. It was meant for CPU air cooling and they spin up fast and often based on CPU temp. On most boards you cannot override that. Since the AIO doesn't take any direction from the header, it is not affected by that limitation but will still report the pump speed. 2) Something has to be on CPU fan to boot. If not, the BIOS will stop you. This is meant to be a safety feature, although it can be disabled. By connecting the AIO to CPU fan, you solve the boot issue and also take the benefit -- if something happens during boot on in the BIOS, you will get the warning something is wrong before the OS loads.


The "AIO Header" and its cousin W_PUMP used to be chassis fan headers and got new names a few board sets back. Both are more useful for coolers or pumps that draw their power directly from the motherboard. However, in these days of flashy lighting and powerful pumps, most coolers and custom water cooling need molex or SATA power right from the PSU. The 12W you can get from the MB header isn't enough.

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