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H100i RGB Platinum NOt working properly

Gladiator Luke

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My computer was working correctly earlier today. I ordered a new corsair spec 06 case from amazon and RM850 power supply. Today, I finally received the new parts and began transferring my parts from my old case (NZXT S340 Razer Special Edition.) After I had transferred everything and switched to the new power supply nothing would turn on. so after trying a few different things I decided to try out my old power supply (EVGA 550GS) and it worked, or so i thought. After staring up my PC I quickly realized there was an issue with my corsair h100i rgb platinum now. While connected to the same sata power adapter as my samsung hard drive, the pump would only glow bright red snd my cpu would over heat quickly. So, I powered the system down and tried using its own sata power cord. This is as far as I've made progress. My bios is not picking up the cooler as well as the ICUE software and Corsair link software. The pump will only light up about halfway a light blue and the fans will spin slowly and not light up at all the system overheats still but much slower. After looking in the bios, I can see my cpu fan or pump fan (I've tried using both.) are only coming on for short amounts of time at a little less then 500 rpm. I'm really stuck and don't know what to do from here, Everything is plugged in and all I've changed is the case, everything was working properly just prior to me installing the new products. Does anyone know what my issue might be?



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My first suggestion is to the OP, go with a different brand entirely. I am surprised Vegas doesn't have odds on how long till Corsair just pulls these and acts like they never existed.


My next suggestion is for Corsair, yall might want to utilize that insurance you should have on this item. Then again the insurance company will likely tell you to pound salt and refuse to pay, just like NVidias did when the 8xxx cards had that bump issue. Just sayin'

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