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Abnormal corsair readings?


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Hi. Would you say any of these readings look at all unusual? I'm concerned, for instance, that two (highlighted) motherboard temp readings are peaking very frequently at 127 celsius (Temp #11), and 101 celsius (Temp #12). Also that there is a '0 rpm' reading for the Corsair H100i v2 liquid cooler fan. Screenshot attached, comments/advice on how to proceed appreciated - thanks! (I'm a relative novice - be kind! :-)


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The two junk motherboard readings are very common. 127C is a very popular max reading for Asus boards and neither of these temps are genuine. Nothing on your motherboard is anywhere close to 100C. Link has trouble reading some of the embedded controller sensors on many Asus boards. You can fully quit Link and load up something like HWiNFO to verify. You will need to allow it to read the "Asus EC" sensors or it will have the same issue.


As for the fan speed = 0 on the cooler, that depends on whether or not you have the fans connected to the H100i v2 or the motherboard. If the cooler, then it should show a speed Presumably they are spinning. If to the motherboard, this normal. That reading is for the cooler's internal fan controller, not the motherboard. They will show up in the fan 1-x at the bottom of the motherboard section.

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THanks for that. I've used HWiNFO in the past, so will install to check its readings m/b readings. Frankly, I don't know if the cooler fan is connected to the H100i v2 or the motherboard (I didn't build the computer). I imagine that's easy enough to check? Would it show it in the BIOS?
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If connected to the motherboard, the fans will show in the BIOS or anything else that reads those values, including Link. However, you still need to know which one to check. I guess either follow the wire or start maximizing bios fans speeds until the radiator fans trigger.
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