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Constant Physical Memory Dump


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Ram - 2 Sticks Of:

CMX512 - 3200C2


0428010 - 2


XMS3200 512mb 400mhz CL2


Mobo -



I have everything running stock and memory on automatic.

I bought this ram last july of 2004 and ever since i booted up i have been getting memory dumps every so often. it can be random at times like when im playing a game itll crash or sometimes when i defrag itll crash. Even when i open Motherboarld Monitor (CPU/Case Temperature Monitor Program) ill get a physical memory dump blue screen. I love this ram because it is fast but i wish it were more reliable with the whole dumps and everything. How do i fix this and if i cant can i use that life-time warrenty and get it exchanged?

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  • Corsair Employee

Can you please tell me if the modules that you have was purchased as a pair? If it is then please make sure that you have the latest BIOS installed for your MB and load Setup/optimized default settings, and try the following BIOS settings;

TwinX1024 or TwinX512-3200C2

Advanced/Jumper Free

AI over clocking: Manual

CPU Freq: 200

DRAM Clock: 400 MHz

Memory or Dim Reference voltage: 2.75 Volts

System performance: AUTO

AGP Voltage: Default *unless you have ATI (9200 or 9600) or NVIDIA (5200 or 5700) then 1.6 Volts suggested!*


Configure Dram timing by SPD: Disabled/User define

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 3T

SDRAM Row Precharge (tRP): 3T

SDRAM Active to Precharge Delay (tRAS): 6T

SDRAM Burst Length: 8

Memory Acceleration Mode: Auto

USB Legacy Support: Disabled

All other settings should be set to default settings!

Then please test them one at a time with http://www.memtest.org and let’s make sure it's not some other issue! I would run the test for at least 2-3 passes to be sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...
will this lower the speed of my ram if i change it to those settings? im kinda of new with messing around with ram settings so i wouldnt know and thats why im asking. say i dont find any errors what would be the best quality oc settings i would have for that ram w/out screwing over the warrenty? and i did buy them as the paired set. also if it helped in any way i have a 450power supply and a ati radeon x800 pro 256mb. thanks and ill be sure to see whats up with ur settings.
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ok i followed the settings and the only thing is it didnt say sd ram it said dram and i am running both sticks duel and alos i could not find the burst length memory acceleration mode and usb legacy support. i havent updated my bios ever since i i first booted this up last july and would like to know which ones i should install and how please and thankyou.
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i know im asking a vast amount of questions but if i were to upgrade my mobo if necissary what should i go for for a no limit price and to a ok price and anything in between would be cool too. another quest would be wut bios settings should i set for my vid card? im very sorry about the jumble of questions i have to ask but hopefully u can answer each on from the other 2 or 3 posts up their. thanks a bunch.
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  • Corsair Employee
If you don't see the Burst Length setting, then do not worry about it; some settings will be there and some are not, depending on the MB model that you have. For the USB legacy support, you should have a USB configuration under Advanced menu; here you should find the USB legacy option and you can disable it only when you are ready to run Memtest. Now for your Video card, I would just leave that to the default setting; unfortunately we can't recommend any settings for it, since just in case something happened to it. The MB that you have as of now is good; unless you are asking if you wanted to switch with a AMD system or DDR2 technologies; anyways I would highly recommend you just to do a little research in regards to your new MB purchase, since it is very difficult for us to recommend a model and other MB manufacturers may think that we are being biased about it.
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thanks for the info and yeah i found the usb setting so should i leave these settings in and then re enable the usb setting after i found no errors cuz i didnt find any errors when i let it scan 3 times. now i plan on getting a new hard drive to back up about 80 gigs of media and what not and when i reformat in who knows when i hope that it solves the problem but if it does not solve my problem and i still get the blue screens im guessing that my last option is hopefully to be able to put he warrenty to use and exchange or many i can send it and then pay less for a better model if possible. would you be able to get me more info on that thanks a lot and hope to get a message/reply from you asap. thanks for the help


- G0tcha

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  • Corsair Employee
Yes pleaes re-enable the USB legacy support after doing the testing. The problem that you have could be coming from different hardware such as the MB, CPU, PSU, video card, etc... or maybe just a driver issue.
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i havent updated mb drivers since i bought it so was wondering if u can do some research if u could and link me to wut i need to install and how to install them thanks. my mobo is listed above. in earlier posts. also so these settnigs are fine for regular settings?


and what would be some OC settings for the ram that i can use with out going over warrenty??

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  • Corsair Employee
The drivers for your MB or hardware’s have to be downloaded on the manufacturer site; you should check with them with the updates, and there is nothing much really to research on this. As far as the over clocking procedure goes; please understand that over clocking is a privilege and there is no guarantee on it, you are more than welcome to try anything but I do not think it will be possible for us to suggest or guarantee you a setting that are set to work based on your system specification.
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