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Flash Voyager seems defunct.


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I've had my 512 meg Flash Voyager drive for about 1 week, and it's already on the fritz. I can't delete a certain folder, or the file inside the folder, it is only being seen right now as "Removable Disk", and when I copy files to or from it, it takes a very long time to read or write the files(USB 2.0). I've tried formatting with the Corsair utility, but it gives me a "Format Disk Fail" error.

Please help, since I use this almost every day to transfer files between my PC and laptop. :sigh!:


Update: Well, I'm now getting I/O errors when I try to write to the drive. :[pouts: I don't seem to be having much luck with Corsair. This will the be the second (out of three) Corsair product that I've had go bad on me. One more strike, and Corsair is OUT! :evil:

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Now THIS is weird. I couldn't format it on my PC, but when I tried it on my laptop, it formatted the first time without a hitch, and is now seeing it exactly how it should. :bigeyes: The drive is also much faster now. Maybe I won't be RMA'ing it afterall. :biggrin: Maybe there is something wrong with the USB controller on my PC? :confused:
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I'm a technician, and a reseller of some computer products. I'd say if you've had that many problems with Corsair gear, there may be another source of the problems. You could be getting damaged goods from a non-reputable reseller. Where did you buy the gear? Alternatively. are you certain your power rails in your power supply are really stable? Bad power can cause a lot of red herring problems to keep happening with various parts of the machine. I'd be very surprised if two Corsair products in a row were defective.


Just my 2 cents worth.





I've had my 512 meg Flash Voyager drive for about 1 week, and it's already on the fritz. I can't delete a certain folder, or the file inside the folder, it is only being seen right now as "Removable Disk", and when I copy files to or from it, it takes a very long time to read or write the files(USB 2.0). I've tried formatting with the Corsair utility, but it gives me a "Format Disk Fail" error.

Please help, since I use this almost every day to transfer files between my PC and laptop. :sigh!:


Update: Well, I'm now getting I/O errors when I try to write to the drive. :[pouts: I don't seem to be having much luck with Corsair. This will the be the second (out of three) Corsair product that I've had go bad on me. One more strike, and Corsair is OUT! :evil:

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Everything Corsair I've bought has been from Zipzoomfly, formerly Googlegear, mainly because they were the best price out of the stores I shop at. I might need a new PSU, but it's an Antec 350 Watt, and I don't have much on it at all. I might also try paying the extra few dollars to get my stuff from Newegg, which I have yet to have a problem with their products. Right now the drive is working fine, but the "R" in the "Flash Voyager" is starting to peel off. :sigh!: That's something a little rubber cement can fix though. Right now, the drive is working perfectly fine after formatting it on my laptop.
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