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Corsair Platinum XMS 3200 Bad stick

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I have an ASUS P4C800 Deluxe motherboard with dual sticks of XMS-3200 ram. Formatted my hard drive and while installing windows I get blue screened at after copying all the install files. Took the bad module out, and everything works fine, put it back in and same symptoms as before. I used memtest 1.51 on each stick separately. The one bad stick reported errors during testing.
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  • Corsair Employee
Can you tell me the exact model# of your memory module and please tell me if you purchased that module as a pair or set; also what is the CPU speed, and the FSB as well that you have in your system? In addition, please tell me if you have the latest BIOS installed on your system and what BIOS settings you have set for both CPU and memory and any performance settings that you may have set?
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I bought two sticks of the XMS memory from http://www.googlegear.com which is now http://www.zipzoomfly.com. 05/2003


Corsair Platinum Series XMS3205v1.1

Ultra-performance DDR memory 0318059

CMX 512_3200 LLPT


XMS3200 512 MB 400mhz 2226-TI


Processor: P4 3.4ghz

Motherbaord: ASUS P4C800 Deluxe BIOS version 1019

FSB: 800mhz

Seagate Serial ATA 80Gig harddrive

XFX GeForce 6600GT


All Default settings

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I'll try setting the CAS to 3 and voltage when I get home from work.


I got tired of having my PC down so I went to Fry's last night and picked up a Gig of Corsair DDR TWINX1024 3200XL. Did Memtest on both of them to make sure it wasn't my board and it worked fine. Windows installed without a problem.


If I get my old RAM to work can I use them in addition to the new sticks I bought? Will the old ram slow down the new ram?

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  • Corsair Employee

They might, but you will have to run with more relaxed settings. Like Cass 2-3-3-6 at 2.85 Volts. But please test the other modules by them selves and if you do still get errors please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it!


P.S. please make sure legacy USB is turned off in the bios when running http://www.memtest.org

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  • Corsair Employee

Under Jumper Free

AI Over Clock Tuner: Manual

Dim Voltage: 2.75 Volts

System Performance: Auto

Under Advanced Chipset/ Memory Configuration

Memory Timings: Manual

CAS Latency CL=2.0

Ras# to CAS# delay tRCD 3

Min Ras# Active Time tRAS 6

Row Precharge Time tRP 2

Under USB Configuration

Legacy USB: Disabled

Then please test the modules one at a time with http://www.memtest.org

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My mother is board is an ASUS P4C800 Deluxe BIOS version 1019


I set the following







The ram appears to work fine now. Are these setting correct for high performance? I could not make any of them any lower. Thanks!

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