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Controlling H60 (2018) LED


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I recently purchased the H60 (2018) for my build and I absolutely love its performance, aesthetics, dimensions, etc.


However, the major issue I have with it is that the LED is so insanely bright and obtrusive. It's tolerable during the day but at night, it's absolutely unbearable to have my whole room lit up while trying to sleep. It's also frustrating to have to shut down my computer when I may need to download files or run analyses overnight.


Can anyone please provide me with a way to dim or close the LED with software, or a creative workaround with the hardware. I finally found an AIO with great performance and I don't want to give it up!

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You could get hold of some kind of some coloured plastic or acetate and stick that over the led. I had a sound card with a couple of annoying red leds, so I took it's case off and covered them with masking tape, but they were hidden from sight.
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I considered that as well but I wish there was a clean way to do it. It's located so centrally in the case and there's light coming from underneath the pump as well.


I hope i'm inspired to try something with the hardware.

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