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combining two corsair usb cables


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I am wondering if i really have done right ? i read somewhere that i can combone 2 corsair link usb cables in 2 one if i do not have any spare usb inputs.

So i draged out all cables out of the black plastic thing and then sat the cables with the colors on the same row as the secound corsair usb cable so i have 8pins instead of 4 in the usb internal input (keep in mind the secound black cables does not count sense they are not used for anything, thats what i read atleast from he who suggested all this)


Have i done right ?

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yes. i did the same thing with 2 of my 3 cables. works fine.


Thanks so mutch for your reply, now i can exclude thous wire's from my issue ! 😃


Thou i do not understand how you combine 3 in to one but if 3 works then 2 should work too...

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o, i didn't ... my waterblock and commander mini cables got combined. the LNP cable gets it's own header, as it has power and ground on both sides of the block.


i could have spliced it, but since i had 2 USB2 headers, i just left it alone.

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I am wondering if i really have done right ? i read somewhere that i can combone 2 corsair link usb cables in 2 one if i do not have any spare usb inputs.



If I understand correctly, you could avoid "splicing" and use something such as this: https://www.nzxt.com/products/internal-usb-hub.

Depending on warranty status of your Corsair Product(s). I am almost certain the splicing of wires would void the warranty.

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If I understand correctly, you could avoid "splicing" and use something such as this: https://www.nzxt.com/products/internal-usb-hub.

Depending on warranty status of your Corsair Product(s). I am almost certain the splicing of wires would void the warranty.


Ye i thought that too thou i thought if now it would happend i could just buy a new cable sense it is not stuck to the power supply and for the cooling i think that one has allreaddy run out on waranty i think, in worse case i just have to explain that it could not be done without buying other thing if not that would be aproved then i would mention that it is claimed this is "ryzen readdy" well seems not if now my ryzen motherboard has not a extra usb port.;):

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had to combine mine, commander mini and H100i since my evga 270 classified only has one usb 2.0 header, i used the nzxt internal hub so i could also have my front 2.0 ports also. the one thing i did notice since i have the nzxt hub that if connected both to separate headers on it that the h100i would not show up in link, tried using just the link cable between the two with just the mini connected to the usb and the h100i would not show, after some digging i found the nzxt layout for their hub and each hub header shares pins between the three headers, meaning that the one with five pins all share the same port and the one with 4 pins share the same port, and link did not like this at all, after combining both cables in to one header were each would basically have its own port both show in link and work ( mostly, have this weird sensor delay and fan speed changes delay and usually have quit link and restart it after i make a change and the temp reading delay is hit and miss ) if i plag in any other devices to the front usb ports there is no issues, seems link my first gen h100i and mini firmware dont play nice together on the same shared port.
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