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K8Vse Deluxe and XMS 3200C2 Memory


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I have an Asus K8VSe Deluxe Mb w/ 2 512mb 3200C2 memory modules vs. 3.1 and version 4.1.


Athlon 64 3200+ Processor and the latest Bios 1005.


My problem is that periodically my system completely freezes at random intervals. It has only started after i installed the second ram module. I manually set the timings and adjusted the ddr voltage to 2.8v as instructed by the corsair techs. The ram modules are also installed in the slots 1 and 3 as well. The system booted and worked fine but froze up later on while burning a dvd. I have tested the ram and have found no errors at all. I believe more than likely i have overlooked an option in my bios. The system freezing is sporatic but it does happen. I have tried a fresh format and reinstall on the system as well.



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  • Corsair Employee
Well if you RMA a module we will try and replace the same revision that you send in. The system is automated so we have very little control over it. I would suggest you talk to your reseller if you just purchased these and see if they will let you get a Twinx set instead. Or if you do an RMA to us you should request an RMA for both modules and make it clear to our customer service that the issue may be because the modules are not matched.
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