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removing corsair link: will silent profile remain


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my setup is as folllows:

asus viii hero,windows 10 64bit, h110i gtx, 5 fans in total.


my problem : i need to use aida to check my case fans rpm,vrm temps,cpu frequencies etc,as cl4 does not support this,i cant run aida and cl4 together as it will cause issues.


if i remove corsair link software, will pump remain at ~1950rpm ,will fans remain at ~600rpm SILENT MODE ?


if so, what should i uninstall in add/remove programs to keep cl4 profile but without cl4 installed ?


if its not possible : what will default pump speed be if cl4 is removed ? what will default fan speed be if cl4 is removed ?


i want to use 1 application to monitor temps,fan speed,frequencies etc for my pc ( aida but wil try others )

but want my cooler to run in silent mode without software

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also : if i remove cl4, and use aida64 or hwinfo , must i remove ALL 3 corsair link software packages ? ( corsair link, corsair link usb dongle , windows driver package (SIUSBXP)


i know i can use SIV,but i always used aida/hwinfo, i will try SIV but want to use what im used to for now.

thnx guys.

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Our Link-ready Hydro coolers such as your H110i GTX has a built-in default profile that will kick-in if Link is not installed on the system or if the pump is not plugged into a USB header


What is the URL that specifies this default profile please?

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What is the URL that specifies this default profile please?


Not sure if it would suit your needs, but I believe the programmed profile stays active in the the cooler for as long as the PC is powered on so you could conceivably set CL4 to run at startup to load whatever profile you want and then shut it down so that there is no conflict with aida.

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Our Link-ready Hydro coolers such as your H110i GTX has a built-in default profile that will kick-in if Link is not installed on the system or if the pump is not plugged into a USB header

03-02-2016 11:50 AM


I would like to know this as well.................

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i have removed link and usb dongle software. but kept the windows package

the pump speed is ~1900rpm , the fan speed is 140rpm


so it seems as if the fans are too slow now.140rpm does not help .

if i remove the physical usb cable from the h110i gtx, wil i still be able to read the pump speed in aida or hwinfo ?

or what should i do to get the fans up and running at said default speed ? i doubt 140rpm is default fan speed.

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update: i oponed SIV , and upon opening it my radiator fans ramped up to ~1300rpm.

it now remains at 1300rpm even if SIV is closed.

so i gues the proper default fan rpm is 1300rpm

i also gues that somehow SIV reset the fans to defualt somehow

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another update:

upon reboot the fans are very quiet( silent mode ) think its at ~550rpm.


when i open hwinfo or SIV, the fans ramp up to ~1300rpm, which i find loud.


so why when booting up pc,the fans connected to h110i gtx is quiet at ~550rpm all the time, BUT when i open hwinfo or SIV , the fans will ramp up to 1300rpm ?


please help me get fans to remain at ~550rpm as it is when i boot up pc.

why do fans ramp up when i open hwinfo ? hwinfo has no fan control.

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when i open hwinfo or SIV, the fans ramp up to ~1300rpm, which i find loud.
  1. I could help you get SIV working, but as HWiNFO is not my program you need to ask it's developer for help.
  2. I find it's faster and easier to resolve issues one program at a time.
  3. You totally removed CL4 when I recommended that you should simply not run it. If you choose not to follow my advice it makes it much harder for me to help you.
  4. You have not specified how you configured the H110iGTX when you last ran CL4.
  5. After exiting SIV run CL4 and post screen shots showing how the H110iGTX Fan and Pump are configured.
  6. I and others do not see the effect that you describe.
  7. If after first powering on the system you just run SIV what happens.
  8. You keep asking questions, but do not provide any information as to how you have configured SIV so it's almost impossible to help you.
  9. How do you have SIV configured? Post the [Link Fans] screen shot.
  10. When I post an itemised list I expect an itemised reply addressing each point.
  11. When I ask for a screen shot I can't help you if you don't post it. I find sometimes I am told what SIV users think they did which is why I need to check the screen shots.
  12. Given SIV is not running in -AIOCTL mode why are you running SIV at all? I can tell this from the blue blobs which should be pink.
  13. When you pressed [Apply] what happened to the fan and pump speeds?
  14. Have you read and understood the Using SIV to Control Corsair Link Hardware and GPU Fans guide ?
  15. Are you 100% sure the H110iGTX hardware is working correctly? You seem to be getting strange issues that could be down to faulty hardware. Ask https://corsair.secure.force.com/home/home.jsp how to check out the hardware.
  16. You should add your PC specs to your profile, don't post them and include the W10 Build number.




As I said in the e-mail if you don't follow my advice it makes it hard to help you. If your wish me to try to help you make it as easy as possible for me :brick:

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  1. I could help you get SIV working, but as HWiNFO is not my program you need to ask it's developer for help.
  2. I find it's faster and easier to resolve issues one program at a time.
  3. You totally removed CL4 when I recommended that you should simply not run it. If you choose not to follow my advice it makes it much harder for me to help you.
  4. You have not specified how you configured the H110iGTX when you last ran CL4.
  5. After exiting SIV run CL4 and post screen shots showing how the H110iGTX Fan and Pump are configured.
  6. I and others do not see the effect that you describe.
  7. If after first powering on the system you just run SIV what happens.
  8. You keep asking questions, but do not provide any information as to how you have configured SIV so it's almost impossible to help you.
  9. How do you have SIV configured? Post the [Link Fans] screen shot.


hi, sorry for all the questions, i will add more detail

1st my setup : asus hero viii , all fans set to pwm silent mode in bios

windows 10 64bit

when i had corsair link 4 : i only set mode to silent mode.i did not make any other changes,i did not add or edit anything.i had no custome profile etc etc, just left all as is,and set silent mode

when i removed corsair link i kept windows driver package( SIUSBXP ), but removed link software and corsair usb driver software only.


i have attached SIV fan screenshot.

i will answer questions if i have missed anything please ask.

i have not done anything in SIV, left everything as stock,just using it to view


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I have that board and I'm currently using Asus Fan Expert to control my fans, as I can't get Link 4 to install, because it thinks that I have an older version installed. It allows me to shut the case fans off below 30 degrees, so it's quiet.
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Hi watts,


I don't have a Corsair H110i AIO, I have a Corsair H80i V2 AIO installed in my box and I wanted to do the same as you.


After some reading\thinking about this I have discovered in CL4 that you can select the pump performance control mode (quiet, balanced, performance) under the profile tab, then under the options tab in the devices sub tab there is a link that says "use the current setting as default". Once you click on this link then CL4 will write the prior selected mode settings to the pump onboard firmware memory then you can shut down CL4 & the pump will retain the flashed control mode settings even when the computer is shut down & powered off. You will have to have the pump-to-USB cable installed for this to work.


Just did this & confirmed it to work on my H80i V2 AIO.


So this finding does help to solve 1 of my issues that I had posted in the CL4 thread. Now if Corsair will provide a Custom choice under the Profile tab so a user can then build his\her own pump\fan profile that can be flashed to the pump firmware memory then they will have a winner IMHO.


My H80i V2's firmware is as read under the Devices sub tab.




Update: To further elaborate on this.....I have just been successful in making a custom profile under the Profile tab in CL4 then go into the Configure tab, click on the H80i's fan icon, set the fan to a custom profile, set up the fan speed profile as I wanted it, apply\save it then go into the Devices sub tab under the Options tab & flash this saved profile to the H80i V2's pump firmware memory & it kept it even w\ CL4 shut down & my computer powered down. Then after I powered my box back up to the desktop I slid it out of my desk to check the LED on the pump to see if the LED was lit up & the color selection (red) was visible..........all operating & visible w\o CL4 software active!


So CL4 vers does give a user a method to set up the pump\fan control\LED as a user wants & not need CL4 active to use it. There is no custom choice for the pump RPM...only Quiet or Performance & this is perfectly acceptable to me.


Now if Corsair would only write a vers of CL4 that looks at the installed Corsair device(s) only for users who want to use the CL4 control software w\ installed Corsair device(s) but use another cooling control program to do the rest.......don't need CL4 causing issues trying to hook into other sensors causing issues w\ other cooling control software when a user doesn't want to use CL4 outside of the Corsair device(s) installed.....


Corsair needs to do a better job of explaining to users how their software is configured & designed to work....have read the user manual on my H80i V2 & none of this is mentioned. I just found all this by basically doing trial & error work.



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